Guestbook: I wanna air my views Total: 250 guests Name: a colleague Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: Just want to share something beautiful with you:

God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow,

Sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day,

Comfort for the tears, and light for the way.

Disappointments are like road humps,

They slow you down a bit but you enjoy

The smooth road afterwards. Don't stay on the humps

Too long. Move on!

When you feel down because you didn't get what you

Want, just sit tight and be happy, because God is thinking of

Something better to give you.

When something happens to you, good or bad,

Consider what it means. There's a purpose to life's events, to

Teach you how to laugh more or not to cry too hard.

You can't make someone love you, all you can do is

Be someone who can

Be loved, the rest is up to the person to realise

Your worth.

The measure of love is when you love without measure.

In life there are very rare chances that you'll meet the person

You love and loves you in return.

So once you have it don't let go, the chance

Might never come your way again.

It's better to lose your pride to the one you love, than to lose the

One you love because of pride. We spend too much time looking for the

Right person to love or finding fault with those we already love,

When instead we should be perfecting

The love we give.

When you truly care for someone, you don't look for

Faults, you don't look for answers, you don't look

For mistakes.

Instead, you fight the mistakes, you accept the faults, and you

Overlook the excuses.

Never abandon an old friend. You will never find one who can take his


Friendship is like wine, it gets better as it grows older.

Remember the five simple rules to be happy:

1. Free your heart from hatred.

2. Free your mind from worries.

3. Live simply.

4. Give more.

5. Expect less.

No one can go back and make a brand new start.

Name: Webmaster Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments:




找了好幾個不同職系的朋友(當中包括行政主任),都 說自己的工作評核報告中,沒有新加入普通話一項。 究竟作出如此舉措的是哪些職系?有勞知情的同事告知。 謝謝! Name: Shameless Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: 唐門高手 暗器之皇

匿於暗處,口出惡言,點名辱罵他人,自己卻藏頭露尾, 真不枉用毒高手。謹此呼籲,如有遇見此等歹毒無恥之 輩,不論在工作上,或此網站中施放暗器之人,宜將之 殲滅,以免遺禍江湖。 Name: 淫ü Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: 我嘗試請大家放下石頭


1於是各人都回家去了;耶穌卻往橄欖山去。 2清早又回到殿裡;眾百姓都到他那裡去,  他就坐下教訓他們。 3文士和法利賽人,帶著一個行淫時被拿的婦人來,  叫她站在當中。 4就對耶穌說:“夫子!這婦人是正行淫之時被拿的。 5摩西在律法上吩咐我們,把這樣的婦人用石頭打死;  你說該把她怎麼樣呢?” 6他們說這話,乃試探耶穌,要得著告他的把柄。  耶穌卻彎著腰用指頭在地上畫字。 7他們還是不住的問他,耶穌就直起腰來,對他們說: “你們中間誰是沒有罪的,誰就可以先拿石頭打她。” 8於是又彎著腰用指頭在地上畫字。 9他們聽見這話,就從老到少一個一個的都出去了;  只剩下耶穌一人,還有那婦人仍然站在當中。 10耶穌就直起腰來,對她說:“婦人!那些人在那裡呢?  沒有人定你的罪麼?” 11她說:“主阿!沒有。”耶穌說:“我也不定你的罪;  去吧!從此不要再犯罪了。” (約翰福音8:1-11)

大家不要以為我打算在這裡說教,其實是因為我看過連日來 數位同事的留言,心裡良久不能平復,才令我想跟大家分享 以上的聖經故事。相信有些同事已經讀過這段經文,當中可 以學習的東西固然多的是(明白這裡不宜討論,有興趣者請 問問你身邊的基督徒,他們必定樂意跟你分享),但是我只 想借這聖經故事說說自己的感受和經驗。

每個人都有自己的意見和立場,不論主觀客觀,總會有些盲 點或不夠全面,這道理我們當然明白。然而,當我們心裡認 為自己的意見高明時,便會批評別人的意見陳腔濫調,沒有 建設性;或是在我們仍能堅持立場時,就罵人家搖擺不定, 隨波逐流。我不是以為自己高高在上,或者想當耶穌,我只 想說我也常常犯這個錯誤,是「文士、法利賽人和從老到少 離開的其中一人」。要糾正或減少犯這個毛病,我學習透視 自己批評別人內裡真正的動機,結果往往是以冠冕堂皇的理 由掩飾自我的驕傲。很慚愧,這情況在我瀏覽留言時也有出 現。所以,如果我的言論冒犯了各位或是引用的經文用得不 恰當,我甘願當被拿的淫婦,被大家用石頭打。(不過,請 “DUP”得細力齱A唔該!)

篇幅稍長,敬請原諒,謝謝各位的忍耐與包容看畢全文。 Name: sss Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments:


據知用richwin存檔時可加空位。 Name: Webmaster Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments:

aaa君: 請問你用什麼軟件來為每個中文字之間加上空格? 苦尋了好久也找不到ㄝ! Name: ddd Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments:


Please do not name names here. Name: aaa Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: 各 位 好, 我 只 是 一 個 低 級 公 務 員, 見 到 你 們 話 有 中 文 主 任 冇 禮 貌, 想 講 出 我 的 經 歷, 講 得 不 好, 請 諒! 我 在 好 多 部 門 工 作 過, 以 前 見 過 一 些 中 文 主 任 阿 Sir 好 好 人, 有 禮 貌, 有 傾 有 講 冇 架 子. 但 調 來 這 部 門 後, 中 文 主 任 老 闆 是 個 中 年 未 婚 女 人, 脾 氣 很 臭, 時 常 呼 呼 喝 喝, 部 門 個 個 都 不 鐘 意 佢. 佢 對 下 屬 好 差, 部 門 的 人 都 好 同 情 低 級 中 文 主 任. 這 女 人 很 污 糟, 去 洗 手 間 搞 到 好 污 糟, 又 唔 沖 水, 阿 姐 成 日 鬧 佢. 我 好 不 明, 點 解 大 家 都 是 中 文 主 任, 以 前 的 好 好 人, 而 家 的 好 差? Name: Webmaster Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: 新發現︰把Netscape的語言編碼設為Western (ISO-8859-1,即內定值),便可 正常地用中文留言;將之設為繁體中文,反會產生亂碼。 Name: Downtrodden Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: Message 248

I agree with your observation. She is really impolite and impatient. Name: Nearly Death Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: 現在做中?aring;主?ocirc;只是為了?uacute;,一丁ÂI工作滿足感都無,每?Ntilde;面?iuml;的只是?Otilde;?ouml;的上司、?aelig;政主?ocirc;Â儘t?iuml;?Uacute;?Igrave;的ÀÝ?Icirc;、歧?oslash;和ÀㄨG,以?Icirc;不知?oacute;?Eacute;被人逼令退?eth;。?Igrave;慘的是每?eacute;做?igrave;死,ÁÙ被OLA說?Uacute;?Igrave;?Oacute;得閒,是冗?ucirc;! Name: Babe Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: OLA Comments: I haven't visited this site for more than a week and is so surprised to see that it becomes a battlefield. Well, I think debates and arguments are welcome here as the purpose of this site is for us to exchange ideas. However, I'm really sorry about NONAME's message as I could read only personal attack and rudeness in it. Mind your words, folks, as this site is not only visited by CLOs. You can still be polite even if you're arguing with people. Many thanks!!!! Name: Outsider Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: A SCLO called Wong Sui-yu from OLA has recently called a number of CLOs in outposts concerning wordload statistics. Thinking she is the imperial commissioner representing the emperor, this fellow is very impolite and impatient while conversing over the phone with the poor souls, who are mostly the CLOs in charge of an office.

Taking several workload statistics in a year is really a burden for CLOs working in outposts, who are already extremely busy with their routine work. When asked to take additional workload statistics by OLA, their first reaction would be - oh, no, another statistics taking! Take heed, our pseudo imperial commissioner, please be more polite and patient when you are talking with fellow CLOs in outposts, who may be one rank or two lower than you, but they are still CLOs. Name: ZZZ Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: Yes, I agree. This site should be used for exchange of information concerning the welfare and rights of CLOs, rather than a battlefield for just a few crazy people! Name: sheep Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: 真名?假名?





Name: CLO Dog Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: I really don't want this website to become the site for battle. We CLOs should join hands to fight for our rights and help each other. When a CLO encounters any difficulties or problems, he/she can seek help from colleagues through this website. That is what I hope. Please stop arguing and attacking each other anymore. Name: May Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: 把人誣為"潑婦"者,自己不是"潑婦",也是"爛佬",noname君你好無禮,而且薑H卻不用真名,這才是影衰晒CLO,人家Wallace君行不改名,坐不改姓,連來自哪個部門都敢說出來,好!至於你這種人,唉,我才懶得理。


我覺得GM做事太黑箱作業,就以那個甚麼普通話加入評核表格為例,可能我們是邊疆蟻民,所以沒收到甚麼消息,直至有同事於上個月參加了一次主管會議,大家才赫然發現有個叫Working Group on Review of Performance Management System 的物體存在,究竟這個工作小組是幾時成立,那些委員是基於甚麼準則獲委任的,我們真的甚麼都不知道。


Wallace君經常呼籲團結,但這根本是空談,因為大家對GM和協會根本不信任,否則大家也不會Peter,Paul and Mary, Nobody, Anybody and Somebody地亂用一通(其實我也不想藏頭露尾啊,只是我怕秋後算帳,不得不有所顧忌)。要建立互信,可以從加強接觸做起,此站"收視率"不低,GM和協會仝人必有貢獻,至少主席一定曾經到此一遊,如果各位大員認為我輩網民有無理指謫,又或見事不明,又或對事實一知半解,大可挺身而出,實地解釋、指正,只要說話有理,網民又不是暴民,大家受過教育、讀過書,應可理解。雖然我輩中不乏說話尖刻之輩,但這些人說的話也有其道理,就算沒有道理,聽聽群眾的想法和感受也不錯吧?(說不定已經有人做了,只是沒有用真名吧!)


May(潑婦) Name: noname Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: 算啦wallace,係你咁好氣同佢地拗,呢班人根本就無理取鬧,擺明想焗你講多錯多,千祈唔好中佢地計呀!你睇果個阿may,成個潑婦罵街樣,真係映衰晒clo,佢地話你淨係識彈,咪一於彈比佢地睇,係彈你呀,吹咩!(wallace,你記得我嗎?我上次搵過你傾偈) Name: May Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: Wallace,我從沒提過甚麼"保皇黨",這個詞是你自己說出口的,不要"屈"我!況且做保皇黨你還未夠班,我認 識的"高層""保皇黨"多的是,我這可不是晦氣話啊!

我覺得你對站長的批評並不公平,你說他要扮全能上帝,給你們護蔭,他不過把收到的小道消息公開而矣,有 甚麼問題?也不是第一次了,要說他用詞語帶譏諷,那是他的本色,你也不是第一次看這網站吧?

你既批評別人沒有實質行動,只會在網上互相攻訐,但你始終沒有回答我除了空談團結外,你還有甚麼建議? 可知協會只視網主一干人等為異類,人家參選就是要"搞事",幾乎把協會等同私人財產,你勸他們多聽異見者 的聲音,哈,你也省點吧!事實上,在這班人中也有我相熟的人,但一談到協會的事大家就會格格不入,完 全"敵我分明","有佢講冇你講,佢畬竻A錯晒"!問你死未!

至於你說網主搞的那個甚麼籌委會已不存在,又說甚麼已退出簽名運動,我對此事所知無多,我個人認為除非 有很多人想另組工會,否則不宜另起爐灶,但你的立場又如何?是贊成還是反對?我覺得你好像不贊成另組工 會,但對籌委會退出簽名運動又好像很不滿,我真的有點摸不蚗Y腦。


此外,我的同事想問Wallace,你老是說這個不對,那個不應該,究竟你認為應怎樣做,有何具體的建議?你說 要協會與"異見人士"團結,團結了又怎樣呢?不要說你是甚麼平民百姓,哪有意見,否則只會給人"百彈齋主- 曉彈唔曉唱"的感覺! Name: 做ÆÂÔ慎的人 Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: Wallace 兄說有人指摘“田繼賢自封為新一屆幹事會主席”。到底那人是誰? 他/她是“Clover”留言是第187號(11.7.2000)。 田繼賢是1999/2000年度幹事會的主席,在AGM當天(28.6.2000),他是主席, 在選舉之後直到新一屆幹事會產生之前,他仍是主席• 新一屆幹事會在14.7.2000召開第一次會議, 互選主席、秘書等職位。在14.7.2000之前, 田繼賢是1999/2000年度的主席,在14.7.2000之後, 他是2000/20001年度的主席。 所以,Clover 11.7.2000的指控根本不成立,純是出於誤會或猜度。 我不知道誰是Clover,但希望他/她知道真相後,向田繼賢、向大家道歉。 Name: 求真Ì Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: May 君留言說中文主任協會的人“永遠唯命是從”。我想知道她如何得出這個印象,可否舉一些例子?希望她不是 一個人云亦云,沒有獨立思考能力的人。 她又談到希望“協會積極為我們爭取權益”。請她開列清單,列出具體要求,讓協會參考,努力達成,好嗎? 不知道May有沒有打電話或寫信給協會幹事,反映意見?若果沒有,不妨坐言起行! Name: jimmy Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: 本網站支持GCLOA的簽名運動,更呼籲同事盡快簽名。 有同事說,不給我消消氣,便要放火,本網站正好給大家消消氣。 沒有幽默感、太易受刺激、不欣賞反諷手法的同事,到臨本網站前,請做好心理準備。 Name: Wallace TAM Email: Homepage: Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: LCSD Comments:






要是May欲以口舌勝人,我寧可認輸,但是贏了......又如何? Name: May (repost) Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments:


你認為大家在網上發洩是不要得的行為,我卻認為這好得很,至少有個地方可以講講心底話,不怕秋後算帳。而且中文主任向來沉默,事不關己己不勞心,現在竟然有 人大聲說話,雖然是匿名,但也我覺得是一種進步。

況且我喜歡說甚麼就說甚麼,這是我的自由,又要你管嗎?要怪罪也怪罪不到網主身上。你認為網主是peacemaker,那你又是甚麼呢?你認為大家互相攻訐太沒 品,那麼除了空洞地談團結,除了擁護中文主任協會,擁護田主席外,你有甚麼具體的提議呢?其實網頁可以起到監察的作用,令協會積極為我們爭取權益,也不可以說是沒有作用的,至少他們的工作和反應都比以前快了幾倍! Name: Mr. Somebody Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments:


It is my belief that everthing that goes into its extreme is an inferior form of its being and that one should be on the look out for its backlash. So far, we CLOs have two websites where we can chat and brag. But it seems that both of these websites are going into its extreme. One is treated like the "Apple Daily", where most views are critical and sentimental. The other one, the official website of the GCLOA, is regarded as CLO's "Wen Wei Pao", where only official or semi-official information is disseminated. Both developments do not warrant congratulations.

When people choose to post its views on the fight4rights website, they must have a good reason for doing so. It is for the EC members to find out. At the same time, I pledge our colleagues to be fairer. If we are to post something on the fight4rights website, why not also despatch one to the Association's to allow a fair play and greater accessibility.

With regard to the "talk of the town" - the inclusion of PTH into the appraisal exercise, I do agree that most people - especially those who have not acquired competency in PTH, tend to object the proposal. However, there is a minority who thinks otherwise. And it is deplorable that this minority's opinion is not reflected here on the fight4rights website. Perhaps some may fear that if they openly concur with the proposal, they will invite a shower of diatribe.

My standpoint is, I do not object such proposal in the long run, and on conditions that they are carried out after a thorough consultation is conducted, and when there is adequate training and a fair means of assessment, like many of the colleagues have suggested here. In view of the absence of all the above, I think the management has committed the same mistake TUNG's Government has been committing: they are pushing forward a reform too rashly. Thus a word to the decision-makers: HE WHO STUMBLES THAT RUNS FAST.

Perhaps if one is to take a look at the highest hierarchy, they may have an inkling why it is so. The consultation period is stunningly short. It is merely a perfunctory formality. If a proposal, which is clearly pre-matured, is hard sold against so much anticipated opposition, there must be a heavyweight pushing it mightily behind the scene while some other wise men have chosen to remain silent or subservient. That heavyweight, I guesstimate, may be someone so powerful that no one dare to say, "the emperor has no clothes."

Given the present situation, only a mass display of opposition will be able to turn the tide. The first of such opportunities will come when the results of the survey conducted by the GCLOA are revealed and when there is an overwhelming majority objecting such proposal. If that is the case, someone has to stand up to lead the crusade, I hope the GCLOA will be duty-bound and courageous enough to do so.

Recently, CLOs were each issued a VR formula inviting them to quit the service. How I wish I could leave! But with the meagre $1800 pension I was entitled to, and with the pauper's image haunting my mind, I dumped it in the basket in no time after tearing it into pieces lest I will become the laughing stock in case someone finds out. Poor me!

Now we are told to accept something (PTH) we are not prepared to (though I believe it is a constructive proposal in the long run). The appraisal issue has long been a point of content in our field and now before the old accounts are settled, new controversy has set in, or to be exact, has been brought in. And I can't help wondering: what will be awaiting us round the corner? I really have to bend my head low these days for every time I look up, I cannot see the blue sky. Will there be an end to all these? Poor CLOs!! Name: May Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: ?Ouml;不知道?Icirc;結就是力量,可是中?aring;主?ocirc;?oacute;會那班人?Atilde;遠?szlig;命是從,?Ograve;謂道不同不?Ucirc;為?Ntilde;,這AIWallaceA雩O?uacute;?Otilde;吧!


況且?Uacute;?szlig;Aw說?AElig;?ograve;就說?AElig;?ograve;,這是?Uacute;的?Ucirc;?Ntilde;,又要你?THORN;?Uuml;?要?Ccedil;罪也?Ccedil;罪不?igrave;?ocirc;主身上。你認為?ocirc;主是peacemaker,那你又是?AElig;?ograve;呢?你認為大家互?Ucirc;?eth;訐?Oacute;沒品,那?ograve;除了?Aring;洞地?Iacute;?Icirc;結,除了?Ouml;A@中?aring;主?ocirc;?oacute;會,?Ouml;A@田主席外,你有?AElig;?ograve;?atilde;Ae的提A釧O? Name: Wallace TAM Email: Homepage: Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: LCSD Comments:

Where shall we go...


中文主任,應何去何從? Name: Irresponsible man Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: I am an irresponsible man, expressing my views without telling other people who I am. There are many people who are like me. Their opinions show that they haven't done their homework. Before you make an accussation, please read the open letters and minutes of meetings of GCLOA carefully and seek clarification if necessary. Name: Questioner Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: To those who are so dissatisified with the GCLOA, why don't you organize yourself and set up another union to represent you and fight for your interests. No one will prevent you from doing so. When you accuse other people of doing a bad job, why not do the job yourself and tell the world how capable you are. I am so tired of empty words. Name: An old man Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: To Peter: Life is short, the reality is harsh. No matter one likes it or not, one has to grow up. Growing up and being mature is painful. Rationality is something most needed in certain periods in one' life. Don't misjudge other people. Don't turn friends into enemies. Name: Wallace TAM Email: Homepage: Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: LCSD Comments:

What happens to our grade...

本文原擬張貼在工會的留言版,但該留言版不大支援張 貼大五碼的文章,因此我把它轉貼在這裡。有關Teresa CHAN的文章,請自行參閱工會的留言版,茲不贅。

在第11號留言中,Teresa CHAN曾說:
Is Mr. Peter one of the EC members of the GCLOA? If the
answer is "yes", then the situation makes me (and other
fellow colleagues who casted a vote in the AGM?) worry as
it seems that the EC could not reach a consensus when
they work and its member has to make use of another site
to voice out his dissatisfaction!


家人,焉得不亡? Name: 吾道不孤? Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: 中文主任共有五百多人,當中有多少是經常看這個網頁的呢? 我恐怕網頁會成為少數人(不知有多少)發洩情緒而不是 理性討論事情的地方。網站負責人應想想如何調查'收視率'。假如只有極少數同事看這個網頁,便應通過其他方法接觸 廣大的同事。 Name: cattle Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: 以改革為名,中道而改路。 初既與余成言兮,後悔遁而有他。 合約精神何在?! Name: Observer Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: In response to 229.

The present SAR Government is ruled by thugs. They no longer respect any contracts signed between them and the civil servants. By pushing forward what they call the civil service reform, they are challenging every civil servant to sue them for breach of contract. However, we now have a tamed and domesticated Final Court of Appeal, not to mention the People’s Congress in Beijing, what can we do?

I know that GCLOA supports the civil service reform and other reforms led by C. H. Tung. Let me quote Tim Hamlett of SCMP to tell you what reform means. The word reform, if properly used, implies the correction of some deficiency. The great Reform Act of 1830, for example, expunged from the British constitution the sort of rotten boroughs, with few voters, which our local “reformers” regard with great affection. If you stop beating your wife, that is a reform. If you replace your car that is merely an improvement. If you replace you car with an ill-chosen model, that is a questionable improvement. Changing the terms of service of civil servants is not a reform. It may or may not produce a better civil service. Getting value for money from the civil service was second to stopping the taking of bribes. Abolishing the municipal councils was not a reform. It was just a mistake. Whether services are better or worse as a result is neither here nor there. Deficiencies that used to be blamed on the councils are now blamed on the Government. Name: Webmaster Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments:




"必須堅持幹部參加集體生產勞動的制度。我們黨和國家的幹部是普通勞動者,而不是騎在人民頭上的老爺。幹部通過參加集體生產勞動,同勞動人民保持最廣泛的、經常的、密切的練習。這是社會主義制度下一件帶有根本性的大事,它有助於克服官僚主義,防止修正主義和教條主義。" Name: Pig Pig Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: Putonghua proficiency is not an entry requirement of the CLO grade. Incorporating "Putonghua proficiency" into our apprasial report may constitute a breach of our employment contract. Name: An old cake Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: Dear fellow CLOs, please don't play with words and take on such a sarcastic tone. Make yourself clear and talk down to earth. I feel so sad, real sad. Where is our Head of grade leading us to? Nowhere! It is just a dead end! Now that they can so readily accept the inclusion of Putonghua proficiency in our staff report, there is no doubt they will kowtow to any unreasonable core competency in future. I don't think my boss is competent enough to assess my Putonghua nor am I able to assess my subordinates. What is the meaning of including such an item which is rarely tested? Don't tell me that I am a language expert. I am not and I never will! If I am one, I have been underpaid. Tell the management not to blow the trumpet. I wonder how many of them are well-versed in Putonghua and be so shameless to say aloud that he/she is a language expert?! Name: Peter Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments:

有道問卷應該中立,不應有既定立場。小弟對此雖不 敢苟同,但人微言輕,唯有在此放放厥辭。

始終不明白的是︰"署理法定語文專員致中文主任的 信件"附件二所載的反對理由,早已給反駁得支離破碎 (雖然有關反駁的水平委實不高)。如今問卷中再次開 列該等反對理由供會員選擇,難道是為了統一意見, 以免當局碰上意想不到的觀點時,一時想不出如何反 駁而出醜?

幸而,每條題目還留有"其他"這條尾巴,各同事應好 好珍惜!

申明一下立場︰小弟反對在評核報告中加入普通話水 平一項。因此,不妨野人獻曝一下,舉出幾個反對理 由,望能起著拋磚引玉的作用︰

1.絕大部分同事均未有為普通話評核作好準備。貿然 加入"普通話水平"這一項,無異於令部分未受過訓練 的同事丟人現眼(註一),對職系形象大為不利。

2.管方沒有為撰寫報告的同事提供足夠培訓,使其具 備評核他人普通話水平的能力,最終只會令大家爭拗 不休。

3.政務主任、專業職系……太尊貴了,我們豈敢事事 與他們平起平坐?

4.不少中文主任已經在工作量方面自我增值。在凍結 人手的大前提下,他們根本無法騰出時間進一步增值 。





註一︰ 一般人多愛嘗試新事物,就像小弟買了一具新手提電話後,總要試過所有鈴聲才肯罷休一樣。既然下屬的評核報告有"普通話水平"這一項,有時間當然會著他/她講兩句普通話解解悶
Name: Babe Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: From a Friend Location: OLA Comments: Regarding #223: I think not only our Head of Grade but also members of the Grade Management, who have had the admirable foresight to take such a great initiative, should all attend the benchmark test to set good examples to small potatoes like us. Salute to our INNOVATIVE leaders!!!! Name: Peter Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments:

得哥個得? Name: jimmy Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: 熱烈擁護中央一致通過對評核報告的修訂






熱切祝賀董主席萬壽無疆,全世界人民大團結萬歲萬歲萬萬歲﹗ Name: Bee Bee Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: Hail to our OLA management! Long live our leaders! Their dedication in establishing and strengthening our position as "language experts" should be highly appreciated!

You see, they have acted promptly, or so to say, almost the first grade to mimic the AO grade in revising our appraisal report and including the item "Putonghua proficiency". Although we "language experts" do not have the same responsibilities as those of AOs, our management have assiduously tried to treat the 2 grades on equal footing by adopting the above 2 measures. I truly believe that these measures are practical means to enhance our status in the civil service since we are constantly associated with the elite - AO grade. Who knows what our management will do after all our grade members are shown to have attained the proficient standard? Maybe our great leaders who embrace the "mission, vision" principles will ask for a bright prospect and attractive pay comparable to that of AOs on our behalf! With this long-term planning for our grade, shouldn't we be happy and "rest in peace"? In my unworthy opinion, I think that our management should not only include Putonghua in our appraisal report but also French, Italian, German and Japanese, etc. to show that we indeed are language experts and we actually out-talent and outperform AOs in this regard.

Some of the grade members may worry about the different standards employed by different appraising officers. May I dare to offer a humble suggestion - we can ask our head of grade to take a benchmark exam. in Putonghua and use it as a reference for the appraisal. I believe that our grade members will be glad to follow the excellent model of our leaders.

I*m also thankful for the management's generous offer of a 2-week consultation period. Actually, in view of the beneficial nature of this proposal, I think that this consultation period is just too long. The management may just go ahead and inform us of the final decision they have made lest other grades may usurp our honor in adopting smart policies which our management has diligently pursued. As most of our grade members are docile and we always trusted the shrewd leadership of our management, is not such a consultation period just a "show"?

Fellow grade members, have you noticed that our management have been extremely efficient lately? The Putonghua proposal have been mentioned informally (at least not to all grade members) for less than a month and now it's already time for making a final decision. What should we say? Apart from enhanced productivity and an urgency to strengthen our professional status, what else can I say? We should all be proud of our efficient and industrious management. Long live CLOs! Name: Flower Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: In response to message 221: Yes, "Hong Kong CLOs are not rubbish". 中文主任一定得! CLOs for sure! Name: 吾ÃÑ普通Ü Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments:


管方終於決定在中文主任工作表現評核報告表格加入「普 通話水平」一項,對我們一眾積極爭取成為語文專家的小 吏來說,實在是一個「遲來的春天」;對在各方面努力增 值的同事來說,更是一支強心針,值得大家舉腳贊成!!

所謂語文專家,豈可止於中英兼擅?本港乃堂堂一個國際 超級大都會,加上近年的中國概念、世貿概念、新移民等 新變數,對各國語言以至我國各省方言專才的需求也大增 。我輩語文專家也應順應潮流,放下合約精神的包袱,朝 該等方面奮鬥;管方則應旗幟鮮明地在評核報告表格中予 以配合,例如在填寫有領取方言津貼之餘,在「評核才能 」中加入如「潮州話水平」、「閩南話水平」,甚至根據 各國遊客數目制訂時間表,逐漸加入如「日語水平」、「 葡語水平」、「法語水平」等,以向全港市民表達一個清 晰的訊息──「香港中文主任不是垃圾」!

至於評核人員最頭痛的問題:如何考證受核人的日語、法 語水平,倒比大家想像中容易解決──既然他們一夜之間 能擁有考核普通話的能力,「奇蹟」再三出現的機會應該 不太低吧?

俗語說:幡桿燈籠,照遠不照近。我們為「理想」而推出 「語言八萬五」的同時,也應鞏固現有的專業地位。比方 說,外界來電查詢中文用法時,接聽的同事竟然「國各不 分」、「年連如是」,豈不貽笑大方?沿用的評核報告已 經在同事們的中英文文字能力上花上不少筆墨,如能把粵 語的發音、表達能力也包括在內,「專業」地位定能大幅 提升。

順帶一提,管方在挖空心思,帶領我們追求「理想」之餘 ,也千萬不要亂了陣腳而忽略正事──如寫中文時棄著重 號而改用粗體字,實在是對本身專業的一大諷刺,可一不 可再! Name: Mr. Somebody Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: As a member of tha Association, I would like to extend my appreciation to the EC's initiative in sending an open letter to the Secretary for the Civil Service expressing our grade members' concerns over civil service reforms and their impact. The letter was well written and the act was timely. It revealed the Association's strength in carrying out the struggle within the establishment. Mass movement of the sort will unite CLOs under its banner and it is my wish that such a feat will be repeated in the coming days whenever necessary. Name: Webmaster Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: To CLO II in #216,

The message board was moved back to the original server which only supports English message, or Chinese message left with Opera.

To ZZZ in #217,

I totally agree with you. It seems that TUNG is no longer the CE of Hong Kong, but a figurehead like Emporer Puyi. You can't expect anything from him but you should respect him as if he is the Son of Heaven - sooner or later you will be PROHIBITED from calling him by his name, or having a crew-cut as he does, or speaking Cantonese as patchy as him. And Joesph Wong's advice/comment is only a trailer. Name: Alan WONG Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: To all CLOs,

Please support the signing campaign organized by the GCLOA, though some of you may think that this act is useless.

I think only through airing our voice, the Government would think twice before imposing further actions on our poor CLOs. Right? Name: ZZZ Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: The comment made by Joseph WONG that civil servants should NOT take action nor say something against Mr TUNG was TOTALLY BULLSHIT! How could he say something like this? I think everyone had the right to say anything against the Government, provided that their act is lawful. Do you think so? Name: CLO II Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: To May in 215,

Please resend your message to Webmaster for posting on this board. I can't read the strange characters.

To Webmaster

You mentioned that we may now type in Chinese through IE or Netscape, why did the message by May in 215 failed to display Chinese properly? Name: May Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: 站?oslash;說要做功?Ograve;,Ay人知道?thorn;?Ccedil;是正牌貨,?thorn;?Ccedil;是?ccedil;?ocirc;貨,?yacute;A雩O?ccedil;?Euml;做呢?就A|以前市政A`署為?Ograve;,那班Subject Officer有?Eacute;會?acirc;會A酗a?oacute;的"A`"?aelig;給?Uacute;?Igrave;A?Auml;間A有?Eacute;則會訛?Ugrave;是會A酗a?oacute;的?igrave;稿,不過結果通常一?Euml;,就是不了了之,有?igrave;稿EN定稿,他?Igrave;?acirc;?Uacute;?Igrave;A?Auml;隋n的東?egrave;?iuml;?Ecirc;一下,就?iacute;作是?Ucirc;己出品,那份?aring;?oacute;又不A普}口說?Uuml;,?Uacute;?Igrave;也只?agrave;無可奈?oacute;!?Oacute;?Igrave;可悲的是即?Iuml;這?Euml;,?Uacute;?Igrave;仍然?Igrave;?oacute;做"槍?acirc;",因為就?acirc;是?ccedil;?ocirc;貨也會計字?AElig;呀! Name: Webmaster Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: “公文潛水貨”意見調查已經結束,是次調查共有 27位同事投票,當中須經常為部門同事製作“潛水 貨”的有22%,間中參與製作“潛水貨”的有70%, 比率奇高!

把這些數據加以解讀,可知22%同事的工作是白做 的,部門會認為他們一點工作也沒做,因為其他部門 同事的中文水平已經極高--殊不知這些都是中 文主任嘔心瀝血的成果。站長所屬部門的部門 秘書,便三番四次“憑感覺”以為同事已不再把工 作交予中文主任。

至於間中製作潛水貨的七成同事,其實已兵臨 城下。一旦更多部門同事發現可利用中文主任 來邀功,繙譯組的工作量定會大增--但部門 主管反會覺得中文主任投閒置散。

雖然一位同事指出,“公文潛水貨”是推廣公事上 使用中文的必然現象。但我認為,中文主任 應可做點工作,令人一眼便知道哪些是“正牌貨”, 哪些是“潛水貨”。

請各同事就相關對策多提意見。 Name: ZZZ Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: I think it is difficult to say whether Joseph WONG, the new S of Civil Service, would give us a hard time at this moment. Let's just wait and see what would happen next.

Meanwhile, we should still collaborate our efforts to protect our rights! Name: CLO II Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: Mr/Ms p,

What are you trying to say in #211? Name: p Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: 疇 癡 癟 癡 疇 簿 簿 瓣 癡 癟 疆 癟 癡 瓣 疆 癟 癡 疆 癡 瓣 瓣 瓣 疇 瓣 疇 瓣 疇 瓣 疇 瓣 疆 瓣 瓣 Name: Webmaster Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: 身受“公文潛水貨”所害的同事們,請把握時間, 從速投票。

未來數年過剩人手數字好像不是什麼新資料欸-- 半年前“邀請”大家讓職系參與VR計劃的信不是 寫得很清楚了嗎? Name: Wallace TAM Email: Homepage: Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: LCSD Comments:



(一)Young CLO II君就管方擬於未來逐步縮減二級中文主任



真枉為有司。 Name: Mr. Somebody Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments:

A Minor Suggestion to EC Members

Not many colleagues knew about the meeting between our EC Members and COL until they received the compendium of the meeting. Would it be better if the EC spread news of the meeting beforehand so that our colleagues could relate their concerns and questions to COL through EC Members? We sincerely appreciate the efforts exerted by our EC Members but still hope that they would reach out to feel the pulse of the general masses. Name: Webmaster Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: 由於《明報》刊登有關社論之時,站長須處理重大 家事,難以動筆。有感該篇社論刊登至今,已歷相當 時日,反駁已失先機,行動只有擱置。有負所望,謹 此致歉。 Name: úøÅ牧Ì Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: 請問反駁明報社評的文章寫好了沒有? Name: Webmaster Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: Zip,

Please leave your message with Opera (downloadable from this site), or email it to us. Thanks Name: zip Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: Ãö?oacute;?Ograve;謂的"公?aring;?ccedil;?ocirc;貨", 呼Æ~中?Ograve;列的情況不?Eacute;都會遇?igrave;, ?Ograve;如Â?Auml;飲郱Ç信?ccedil;和?iacute;?aelig;是各?Oacute;部?ugrave;都做得如?otilde;如?thorn;的工作, ?yacute;都是名正言順?ograve;?auml;他Â?Auml;雁n求一?Oacute;?acirc;Äò, 不?agrave;說是"?ccedil;?ocirc;". 另外也有從英?aring;內部通?ccedil;中?acirc;?uacute;?Oacute;別段落?Oacute;Â?Auml;? ?ntilde;進中?aring;Â虼ç的做法, ?yacute;這?uuml;乎也無可厚非, 因為?Uuml;多?Eacute;?Ocirc;負責Â衎H的同?AElig;(?Ograve;如某?Ccedil;會的秘?Ntilde;處)只是?acirc;?auml;他人提?Ntilde;的材?AElig;拼合成為信?oacute;, 如果他?Igrave;?Icirc;中?aring;作Â? ?Oacute;?igrave;材?AElig;有英?aring;, ?iacute;然就會?auml;中?aring;主?ocirc;Ä隅熙﹞À, 中?aring;主?ocirc;Ä陽馱]會?acirc;?AElig;字入帳. 如果真的要查?AElig;, 也是?Otilde;?Egrave;?Acirc;字的. ?Yacute;ÃD?auml;?ecirc;?Atilde;不在?oacute;有沒有這Ãþ零碎的?Oacute;稿, ?Oacute;是?Oacute;稿的同?AElig;是否真的這?Euml;厚ÃC無?Ocirc;?Ntilde;ÅÑ他人的辛?Ograve;成果?Oacute;?acirc;功, 這?egrave;面?Uacute;?Igrave;?ecirc;在無法知道. 不過?Uuml;說回?Oacute;?iuml;他?Igrave;也不見得有好處, 除非他?Igrave;?ecirc;在閒得慌, 要?auml;人家的工作?Oacute;"篤?AElig;", 否則ÉNËÝ大?Oacute;ÀY帶ËÝ大頂帽, 豈非?Ouml;死?Ucirc;己? ?Oacute;且Ä雇o好固然是好, Ä雇o不好豈非?Ucirc;作Ä^? ?Ccedil;不?Ucirc;吧. Name: Webmaster Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: 講起“潛水貨”便扯火!我組上下由於全是“超級打手” ,標準函件通常不用一小時便能交貨,豈料那邊廂 阿EO大姐竟以“負責人員希望提高效率”為藉口,要 我們替她預備公函樣板多款。看來上面要做點工夫 了--除了其他幹繙譯的職系外,原來EO也對我們 虎視眈眈!

之前有一次就更離譜:負責人員竟把自己的繙譯功課 (真蠢,今時今日還選讀這科!)用政府文件夾夾著 ,搏懵要我們代勞。真是……(上刪三十字) Name: Email: CL丙 Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: VR當 前 , 何 去 何 從 ﹖ 如 非 負 資 產 ( 包 括 樓 債 和 兒 女 債 ) 或 貪 圖 物 質 享 受 一 族 , 上 上 之 策 , 當 然 一 走 了 之 。 問 題 是 政 府 肯 賠 錢 讓 你 走 嗎 ﹖ 11億 元 的 撥 款 , 給 3500人 (佔 7萬 「 受 惠 」 的 公 務 員 5%)均 分 , 每 人 只 得 31萬 元 左 右 。 但 一 位 CCLO已 用 去 500萬 元 。 如 再 向 立 法 會 要 錢 , 可 能 又 惹 來 「 貼 錢 送 賊 」 之 譏 。 如 果 較 高 級 的 同 事 可 優 先 獲 准 VR, 我 們 的 二 級 同 事 可 能 走 亦 難 , 留 亦 難 (太 敢 言 的 同 事 如 Wallace 君 小 心 了 )。 為 何 留 亦 難 ﹖ 房 署 署 長 明 言 , 留 下 來 的 房 事 經 理 , 將 沒 有 升 職 機 會 , 且 要 肩 負 已 離 職 同 事 的 工 作 , 預 料 我 們 亦 會 一 樣 。 政 府 的 大 方 向 是 慳 錢 , 較 高 級 的 職 位 相 信 會 「 走 一 個 , 少 一 個 」 。 留 下 的 同 事 , 內 功 和 面 皮 必 定 要 厚 , 一 方 面 要 以 一 做 十 , 另 一 方 面 要 忍 受 閒 言 閒 語 , 如 「 當 初 放 條 生 路 讓 你 走 , 你 又 不 走 」 、 「 食 得 鹹 魚 抵 得 渴 , 誰 叫 你 留 下 」 等 等 。 自 問 可 從 容 應 付 工 作 , 懂 中 英 文 書 處 理 , 又 能 橫 眉 冷 對 奸 邪 者 , 可 留 ﹔ 現 時 已 手 忙 腳 亂 , 恨 有 三 頭 六 臂 , 卑 躬 求 存 , 朝 九 晚 十 ( 或 迫 人 朝 九 晚 十 ) 者 , 可 走 ( 最 少 可 免 失 節 和 保 命 -做 到 死 或 給 人 斬 死 ) 。 所 謂 工 作 誠 可 貴 , 生 命 價 更 高 。 Name: Email: CL丙 Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: VR當 前 , 何 去 何 從 ﹖ 如 非 負 資 產 ( 包 括 樓 債 和 兒 女 債 ) 或 貪 圖 物 質 享 受 一 族 , 上 上 之 策 , 當 然 一 走 了 之 。 問 題 是 政 府 肯 賠 錢 讓 你 走 嗎 ﹖ 11億 元 的 撥 款 , 給 3500人 (佔 7萬 「 受 惠 」 的 公 務 員 5%)均 分 , 每 人 只 得 31萬 元 左 右 。 但 一 位 CCLO已 用 去 500萬 元 。 如 再 向 立 法 會 要 錢 , 可 能 又 惹 來 「 貼 錢 送 賊 」 之 譏 。 如 果 較 高 級 的 同 事 可 優 先 獲 准 VR, 我 們 的 二 級 同 事 可 能 走 亦 難 , 留 亦 難 (太 敢 言 的 同 事 如 Wallace 君 小 心 了 )。 為 何 留 亦 難 ﹖ 房 署 署 長 明 言 , 留 下 來 的 房 事 經 理 , 將 沒 有 升 職 機 會 , 且 要 肩 負 已 離 職 同 事 的 工 作 , 預 料 我 們 亦 會 一 樣 。 政 府 的 大 方 向 是 慳 錢 , 較 高 級 的 職 位 相 信 會 「 走 一 個 , 少 一 個 」 。 留 下 的 同 事 , 內 功 和 面 皮 必 定 要 厚 , 一 方 面 要 以 一 做 十 , 另 一 方 面 要 忍 受 閒 言 閒 語 , 如 「 當 初 放 條 生 路 讓 你 走 , 你 又 不 走 」 、 「 食 得 鹹 魚 抵 得 渴 , 誰 叫 你 留 下 」 等 等 。 自 問 可 從 容 應 付 工 作 , 懂 中 英 文 書 處 理 , 又 能 橫 眉 冷 對 奸 邪 者 , 可 留 ﹔ 現 時 已 手 忙 腳 亂 , 恨 有 三 頭 六 臂 , 卑 躬 求 存 , 朝 九 晚 十 ( 或 迫 人 朝 九 晚 十 ) 者 , 可 走 ( 最 少 可 免 失 節 和 保 命 -做 到 死 或 給 人 斬 死 ) 。 所 謂 工 作 誠 可 貴 , 生 命 價 更 高 。 Name: ýÂ淳 Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: 香äÄ粥È處æ通?60部ÂÄ雯Õ Comments: 百 家 爭 鳴 , 文 八 代 之 衰 ; ?5D 玉 紛 陳 , 鐵 筆 齊 論 古 今 。 Name: Webmaster Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: VR還 沒 截 止 , 庫 務 局 已 急 急 申 請 增 加 撥 款 , 真 不 明 白 他 們 是 基 於 什 麼 數 據 ? Name: 不Å Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Â筑Õû Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: ?40 個 很 有 誠 意 的 網 頁 , 讓 中 文 主 任 得 以 在 網 上 盡 情 發 表 己 言 . 遺 憾 的 是 , 繕 校 員 職 系 中 , 這 等 無 私 之 人 甚 少 . 唯 望 中 文 主 任 保 權 益 基 地 內 , 在 中 文 主 任 爭 取 權 益 之 餘 , 本 著 唇 忘 齒 寒 的 ?5D 由 , 協 助 無 可 依 靠 的 繕 校 員 職 系 吧 . Name: ZZZ Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: Though I don't believe in the response made by the administration in #195, I think the administration had done a good job. At least it doesn't just keep silent and made a response.

To Wallace, did you make a secret agreement that you must hold some information that was not desirable for the information of all other colleagues here in this website?

One more point: If CLO IIs will be eventually removed but our grade is dying, what can the CLO IIs do? (I am also a young and green CLO II!)

To young CLO II, the choice of whether to stay or leave depends on your own financial situation and other factors such as whether you can find a better job elsewhere, any financial/family burden and so on. Try to consult more people before you make your decision. Good Luck! Name: young clo II Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: I wonder the prospect of CLO now has turned good or is still bad because I notice that after the promotion board for CLO I, there would be another board convened to select acting appointments of SCLO, besides some CLOs in OLA also have the chance of acting recently. As Wallace has said, the Management is planning to cut CLOII gradually, does it mean there is still chance for promotion (because eventually there will be no CLOIIs)? I am a very green CLOII (less than 5 years service) but I am not ambitious. I am not a notorious staff. I got good though not excellent reports and as my boss said I could follow the normal speed of promotion if there is no such surplus staff problem. I hope I won’t have to retire as a CLOII, however I will be content if I can be promoted to CLOI though it may take a longer time. Should I stay or choose VR? Could anyone give me some advice? Name: Wallace TAM Email: Homepage: Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: LCSD Comments:







而積累的成果,絕不能與「生果金」相提並論。 Name: CLOI Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: A web page at the following address has been developed for calculating the pension. As usual, its accuracy is not guaranteed. Name: CLO II Email: Homepage: Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: In response to message by Wallace TAM:

I didn't attend the breifing as I could not join the VR scheme. If the administration's response in the briefing was so bad as what you said, then the briefing, as well as the VR scheme, would be meaningless for us CLOs.

But, of course, I would prefer to stay in the grade for longer time, before I was said to be redundant as I had to support myself. What do you think? Name: Wallace TAM Email: Homepage: Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: LCSD Comments:





不禁暗問:陸地在哪? Name: Webmaster Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: CSB's clarification on Cat. A and Cat. B officers Comments: Mr. LO,

For the purposes of pension related matters in Civil Service Regulations, officers are classified as either Category A or Category B officers -

(a) Category A officer means an officer who is appointed to an established office and who is confirmed in an established office at the time of his retirement or resignation from the service;

(b) Category B officer means an office holding -

(i) a non-established office at the time of his retirement or resignation from the service; or

(ii) an established office, but is not confirmed in an established office at the time of his retirement or resignation;

under the Pensions Ordinance, Cap 89 or Pension Benefits Ordinance, Cap 99 excluding those serving under an agreement providing for the payment of a gratuity.

Civil Service Bureau

11 July 2000 Name: Jimmy Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: 大遊行有感








(1) 我們的一級和二級中文主任同事當初入職時,只看到官方宣傳的光明一面,並不知道自己的前途「似咁」,假如最壞的情況出現,如強迫退休,政府有義務和責任為他們安排轉職到其他職系,並保留現職薪金。

(2) 歷任專員,部分雖然很想幫忙,但由於客觀因素所限,能做的不多。中文主任協會除了作內部溝通和合作外,還應對外行動。政府部門現時可隨時刪減中文主任職位,無須專員同意,現時是對外行動,反對政府削減公務員職位的時候了。

(3) 中文主任協會如要反駁站長和本人的言論,最好能抄錄原文,並在網上發表,一來環保,二來可避免斷章取義,誤導沒有上網的同事。 Name: Jimmy Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: 大遊?aelig;有感








(1) ?Uacute;?Igrave;的一?Aring;和二?Aring;中?aring;主?ocirc;同?AElig;?iacute;?igrave;入A凝E,只?Yacute;?igrave;官?egrave;?Aring;?Ccedil;的?uacute;?uacute;一面,?Atilde;不知道?Ucirc;己的前途「?uuml;EY」,假如?Igrave;Aa的情況出現,如強迫退?eth;,政府有義?Egrave;和責?ocirc;為他?Igrave;安?AElig;AaA儘i?auml;他A儘t,?Atilde;保留現A?Aacute;~金。

(2) ?uacute;?ocirc;專?ucirc;,部?Agrave;Ao然?Uuml;想A隻ㄐA?yacute;?Ntilde;?oacute;?Egrave;A[因?Agrave;?Ograve;限,?agrave;做的不多。政府中?aring;主?ocirc;?oacute;會除了作內部溝通和合作外,AUA章i外?aelig;?Ecirc;。政府部?ugrave;現?Eacute;可AH?Eacute;刪?icirc;中?aring;主?ocirc;A齒i,無須專?ucirc;同意,現?Eacute;是?iuml;外?aelig;?Ecirc;,?Iuml;?iuml;政府削?icirc;公?Egrave;?ucirc;A齒i的?Eacute;?Ocirc;了。

(3) 政府中?aring;主?ocirc;?oacute;會如要?Iuml;?eacute;站?oslash;和本人的言論,?Igrave;好?agrave;?Ucirc;?yacute;?igrave;?aring;,?Atilde;在?ocirc;上發?iacute;,一?Oacute;Ao保,二?Oacute;可A蚹KA_章?uacute;義,誤?Eacute;沒有上?ocirc;的同?AElig;。 Name: Webmaster Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments:

前幾天站長曾向各位推薦《壹週刊》一篇關於 減壓的特稿。該篇特稿的網址為: Name: Clover Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments:

今天收到田繼賢先生的公開信,我是中文主任協會的 會員,當日也有去投票,但田先生何時當選主席,我 可一點不知道呀!主席不是要互選嗎?第一次會議好 像還未開哩,田先生雖然"德高望重","眾望所歸", 但那麼快便自動當選主席,也太誇張了吧!可是,如 果這封信不是以主席的名義發出,那是以甚麼名義發 出了?真是奇哉怪也。

信中提及投票當天雙方也有拉票活動,說得對,這是 事實,但OLA有老闆級人馬勸喻下屬投某人一票,也 是事實(別問我是誰爆料啊),或許有人認為這也是無 可厚非,並不算不公平,不過投票於6時15分結束卻 絕對有問題,即使在沙田工作的同事也未及趕得及投 票,更何況北區的同事?還是協會根本假定這些人不 會/不應該投票?我認為票站應該延長開放時間,即 使最終這批同事根本一個也沒來,但也不應剝削他們 的權利。

最後,我希望來屆的主席由我們一人一票選出來,這 樣最民主了。 Name: Áà人 Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: 有人說過,出席周年會員大會可以看到人家的醜態。請問他或她看到什麼?還是發覺醜陋的原來是自己? Name: clover Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: 今?Ntilde;收?igrave;了田A~?aring;?yacute;?Iacute;的公開信,?Uacute;是中?aring;主?ocirc;?oacute;會的會?ucirc;,?iacute;?Ntilde;?Uacute;也有?euml;票,不過田?yacute;?Iacute;?oacute;?Eacute;做了主席,?Uacute;可一AI都不知道哇!田?yacute;?Iacute;"又"?iacute;?iuml;主席了?Uuml;?好像連?Auml;一次會A陶ㄔ撰}?ugrave;!如果他不是以主席的身份發信,那?ograve;他以?AElig;?ograve;身份發信呀?Ao然田?yacute;?Iacute;"德高?aelig;重","眾?aelig;?Ograve;Ak",也不?Icirc;那?ograve;?Oslash;張吧! ?Uuml;說回?Oacute;,?auml;?ecirc;?iuml;A|?iacute;?Ntilde;Au?egrave;也有?Ocirc;票,這是?AElig;?ecirc;,?yacute;有OLA?Ntilde;Ao?Aring;人馬"AU?euml;"下AY?euml;某人一票,也是?AElig;?ecirc;。?Oacute;且?euml;票?Eacute;間過短(現?otilde;人士說6?Eacute;15?Agrave;結?ocirc;?euml;票),?iuml;OLA以外的中?aring;主?ocirc;同?AElig;不公平,Ao道在偏遠地?Iuml;工作的同?AElig;就不?Icirc;?euml;票了?別說是北?Iuml;了,即?Iuml;是沙田LCSD的同?AElig;也未必趕得?Icirc;呀,AU是說?oacute;會假定這?aring;同?AElig;一定沒興?igrave;?euml;票??Uacute;認為?euml;票?Eacute;間A雩O延?oslash;,即?Iuml;?Igrave;終這?Ccedil;人一?Oacute;也不出現,?yacute;也不可以?eacute;削他?Igrave;的Av利! ?Igrave;?aacute;?Uacute;?AElig;?aelig;?eacute;?aacute;主席可以一人一票?iuml;出,這?Euml;才?Igrave;?Aacute;主。 Name: CLO II Email: Homepage: Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: May I know how many CLOs did particuate in the yesterday march of Civil Servants? Name: ZZZ Email: Homepage: Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: I received the letter from GCLOA this morning, saying that the GCLOA election held not long ago was a totally fair game.

Well, as a member, I don't really care whether the election was a fair one or not, I just care if the new session of Exco can do something for the members, so that they can improve the 'image' of the GCLOA. Name: Wallace TAM Email: Homepage: Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: LCSD Comments:

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慮,好讓他們有充足資料以供考慮何去何從。 Name: Mr Somebody Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments:

From: Mr Somebody

Title: Further on AGM

I owe my appreciation to a friend who frankly let me know what she thinks about the two previous articles I had posted on this webpage under the headlines "A message withheld before the AGM" and "an AGM that turned ugly". People who will tell you honestly what they think are rare nowadays and if my writings contain some misconceptions disquieting to colleagues concerned, I hope some elaboration and rethinking here may help.

1. My friend believes it is a misrepresentation to say that some EC members of the last year had quit because "they did not expect to tackle so great a challenge" (under the sub-heading "team spirit" in "A message withheld..."). It is to her understanding that this was not the case.

2. She thinks that it is more accurate and fair to say that "some other EC members ALSO hold the view that it may not be in the best interest of the grade that a confrontation stance is to be adopted as the party line", so as to not to impose the blame on one individual (under the sub-heading "The party line" in the same essay").

3. She thinks that the "proxy issue" should not be construed as a plot as no one could anticipate what would have happened in this year's AGM months before it took place. (Paragraph 2 in the essay "An AGM that turned ugly)

4. She is of the opinion that the AGM was a fair play since both sides had mobilized their electioneering machinery in the campaign and it just happened that one side emerged victorious. She was referring to paragraphs 1 and 3 in the latter essay.

In a frank and friendly conversation , I also explained to her the rationale underlying my writings. While I conceded that her ideas did help enlighten me on some of the issues, I was steadfast (I hope not being "stubborn") on some others. I sincerely hope that our benevolent colleagues would give their views. Name: me again Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: message 179 is written in response to message 178. Name: nobody Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: who do you mean when you say "the BIG numbers would not even bother to write against deletion of CLO posts"? GM? GCLOA? why not spell it out to give them a chance to defend themselves, other then saying "if the hat fits" when they try to clarify their stance? and how can you say that they never bother to write anything to protect our rights and interests? GM's documents might not have been so widely circulated, but you did receive copies of such letters to GM and Bureau Secretaries, didn't you? Name: Webmaster Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: 啟光兄:

你說得很對--政府把中文主任定性為“不合 時宜”的職系,可能也是為了這些原因吧?

所以一些同事認為“大難尚未臨頭”,站長實在 不能苟同。

個人認為,為入職不足三年的二級中文主任爭取 “跟龍尾”轉職到二級行政主任,應是個可行的 做法。

不過,對於一些連撰文反對削減職位也不願意 的大大來說,恐怕絕對不會做出如撰文“開罪”其 他職系之類的“搞事”行為吧?

CLO Dog君:



別以為帶病在辦公室工作叫做提高生產力, 把病菌送入中央空調後令所有人都生病, 最終還不是把生產力拖垮? Name: Mr. Somebody Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: Email Template

From:  Mr. Somebody

Title:  An AGM that turned ugly


1.   When "Nobody" of message 169 embraced this year's campaign as one done on "equal footing", I saw certain people's victory an ignominy.  Names such as "stirrers" had been generously imposed on the Young Turks" in the last minute canvassing in OLA.  I personally know most of these "Young Turks" and they are mostly benign people.  To call them "stirrers" was obviously a tactic to disgrace and denigrate them to people who did not know them.  "If we let these stirrers come in, there will be a lot of trouble."  Remarks like this showed that some people had regarded the Executive Committee their inviolable turf and their private apparatus and any challenge would be treated with utmost hostility and was to be defeated at all cost.


2.   It was discussed in one of last year's EC meeting on the possibility of introducing proxy to AGM.  The suggestion was sidestepped on grounds that a quorum might not be formed.  With benefit of hindsight, events running up to this year's AGM might lead one to speculate that the need to form a quorum might be reserved as a trump card to be played at a critical moment to catch opponents totally surprised and defenceless.  If people could be rallied at such a scale, a quorum should always be within reach.


3.   "By telling people your desire to serve on the committee, one can already get even with existing EC members and compete with them on equal footing."  "Nobody's remark could not be more misleading.  And let me "get even" with him on that point.  If he had not turned a blind eye to the massive mechanism mobilized in OLA in the final count down, he must have assumed candidates like Peter had equal access and proximity to the "connection nets" his OLA counterparts had enjoyed.  The mass movement in OLA was exactly the response one would get if he declared that he was coming.  "Nobody" had said that someone was "manipulating figures", but he failed to recognize the greater picture that Peter's 53 votes was a result of a campaign above-board and sporting, and his drive personified a popular demand for change.  Those 53 votes were indeed an outcry highly resounding.


4.   If the above observations hold, what "Nobody" had applauded as "a change for the BETTER" was in fact "AN AGM THAT TURNED UGLY".


5.   While "Nobody" had called on our colleagues to participate as one of the helpers, I would be more interested to watch from the sideline how people who had regarded the Association as their own turf would treat an outsider like Peter.  Time will tell.


6.   As "nobody" had been so kind as to render advice to Peter, in a "copy-cat act", I would advise Peter "To be honest with himself and ACT ON HIS CONSCIENCE."


7.   A word to the "Young Turks": in the actual voting, I picked two from each of the lists presented because some of the so-called "Royalists" (a description to which I have reservation) did deserve support.  They are more mature and experienced.  But I admire your valour and benignity.  If you persist, the future may belong to you.


p.s.  A few friends of mine had ironically asked me if I myself am the honourable "Nobody".  I had used the alias of "Mr. Nobody" before and to avoid confusion, I had the effrontery to call myself "Mr. Somebody" from now on to avoid confusion with the honourable "Nobody".

Name: Kai Kwong Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: From a Friend Location: Comments:



各位除了茞援韝T五年間的公務員體制改革和資源增值計劃外, 亦應遠觀十年八載的轉變。讓我簡單談談三方面:第一, 屆時公務員兩文三語的政策已推行多年,subject officers的 語言能力理應足以應付日常工作。第二,僱員多技能(multi-skills) 乃大勢所趨,公務員亦須跟隨,職務、職系的整合勢難避免。 第三,翻譯軟件的發展日趨成熟,對人手翻譯的影響不容忽視。


謹提愚見,敬請雅正。 Name: Kai Kwong Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: From a Friend Location: Comments: 各?igrave;同?AElig;:


各?igrave;除了þÓ眼?oacute;三五年間的公?Egrave;?ucirc;Åé?icirc;?iuml;革和?ecirc;源增?Egrave;計劃外, ?ccedil;À頂?AElig;[十年八?uuml;的ÂàÅÜ。Åý?Uacute;Â眾æ?Iacute;?Iacute;三?egrave;面:?Auml;一,屆?Eacute;公 ?Egrave;?ucirc;?acirc;?aring;三語的政策已?Agrave;?aelig;多年,subject officers的語言?agrave;力 理À釣洛HÀ野I?eacute;常工作。?Auml;二,僱?ucirc;多?THORN;?agrave;(multi-skills)乃大 ?Otilde;?Ograve;ÁÍ,公?Egrave;?ucirc;?ccedil;須?ograve;ÀH,Â劓È、Â儘t的?atilde;合?Otilde;ÃøÁ蚹K。?Auml;三, Â?Auml;雲n?oacute;的發展?eacute;ÁÍ成?ocirc;,?iuml;人?acirc;Â?Auml;隍獐vÅT不容忽?oslash;。


ÂÔ提愚見,敬請雅正。 Name: D.M. Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: This message was intended for June 21, before the AGM. But upon learning that the Chairman of the EC had a public statement to make, this message was withheld to avoid confusion. Now that the dust has settled, I hope this essay will help shed some light on the future of the GCLOA.

A message withheld before the AGM

I have posted two messages on this webpage under the aliases of “Mr. Nobody” and “A pawn”. Initials are used this time to assume personal responsibility of this writing that other EC members have no obligation to share. This piece of work is written against the background of strong criticisms slashed at the GCLOA and the absence of official response from it. As an EC member who has served for only a year, I am the one least qualified to comment on its performance. But being notorious as a person who speaks too much and too soon, I fail, once again, to restraint myself from responding to the remarks made on this webpage - from an insider’s point of view.

A nice person might not be a good unionist

It is a fair comment that the GCLOA has not done enough in the past few years – woefully inadequate indeed in face of the formidable challenges emerged in this couple of years. As an EC member, I shared part of the responsibility. But personal encounters with other EC members only consolidate my affection for most of my colleagues on the Committee. They are really nice people and heartily work for the benefit of the grade. (But of course one can easily refute that a nice person does not necessarily make a good unionist – which I tend to agree). It is deplorable that only little has been achieved in the past. Partly it can be explained by the peace-loving characters of the EC members, partly by the passive nature of our grade members as a whole.

To mobilize the masses

So many people have been so vocal, if not vitriolic, against the Association on this webpage. But my dear colleagues, to bring about changes, or a “revolution” as some of our passionate friends have called for, is not as easy as you would have thought. I have cited the march organized by 華員會 in one of my previous articles to show how difficult it is to mobilize CLOs. The first and in fact, the most fundamental question anyone who would like to revolutionize the GCLOA has to face, is to rally mass support, which would prove to be an issue more thornier than some would have imagined.

Team spirit

If there is any concrete blame EC members in the past year should honestly take, it is our lack of co-ordination and spirit of a team. Every two months or so, we would sit together and discuss and disperse. Some EC members would remain dormant for two months before another meeting was called. Nine people would be a meagre number even when working together, not the mention each on his own. Perhaps one should be fair with the incumbent EC members: they did not expect to tackle so great a challenge when they assume office and that is why, I heard, some serving EC members are quitting in the coming year. I would like to repeat here that most (but I would not say all) of the EC members are kind-hearted people and their stepping down only exemplify their willingness to let other people have a try. All the above analysis points to a fact: if future ECs are to succeed in working for the benefit of our grade, they have to work as a team.

The party line

The third, and in fact the most controversial problem facing the future ECs, is their party line. If I remembered correctly, one of the EC members had said in one of the meetings that it was not the stance of the Association to enter into a confrontation with the Grade Management, which I think was questionable. It is not for the sake of confrontation that we confront. But as a labour union, we are left with little choice if the Government executes maneuvers detrimental to the interests of our grade and refuses any proposal of modification. If the non-confrontation stance is adopted as a party line, we will have thrown in the towel even before the fight starts. If there will be young Turks elected into the future ECs, a serious debate over the party line is likely to ensue.

The exodus

Having said all the above, I am still pessimistic about the way things are going. All our discussions here are fine. But our bane is that we are too disorganized. I do not have the slightest intention of discouraging people from joining the GCLOA (in fact, in another of previous essay I had asked our colleagues to participate actively in the coming AGM). Quite the contrary, I am looking forward to a strong union to lead out of Egypt. And let’s hope that we do not have to wait too long. Name: CLO II Email: Homepage: Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: Actually I don't know what should I say here regarding the formation of the exco of the GCLOA. Anyway, let's support them and give them help when necessary to the best of our abilities.

Have you received the pamphlet on VR? I've got one but I don't know how to make my decision. Any idea? Name: Webmaster Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: 有無搞錯!又circular又小冊子,用了差不多半斤紙也說不清楚每位同事會得到多少補償。

難道要為簡介會製造入座率? Name: 奕然 Email: ooo Homepage: http://ooo Hometitle: ooo Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: 中å主ô的一份子 Comments: 幹事會今次選出的新幹事,有六位是屬於較為接近管理層的同事, 有心水清者謂,有人恐防會有太多異見分子加入幹事會,日後令管方難做, 唯有杜漸防微,結成一組同聲同氣的「合縱團」,務必要穩佔大部份席位, 才免敗於改革派之手。尤其是其中有人好像是為了今次參選才臨時入會的, 更令人見疑。

但依愚見,我們會員人數僅過二百,但各當選者所得之票數,少說也超過五十, 就算拉票造勢,也確實要有幾十人肯一致允首支持才行哩!細想既然是大家 所選的人、所投的票,我又焉能對他們無信心呢?

寄語盧君,我所投您的一票全是由衷的,因為我覺得成立這個網站的幾位同事, 其出發點是善意的,並一心要為中文主任的權益而行事的。二十五年來, 也只有這個網站才能於短短幾個月內引起這麼大的迥響;至少也可讓人知道, 我輩中文主任,雖然手上無權,絕非胸中無策。

話時話,大遊行之日,若只是以「中文主任會籌委會」名義參加, 那是否「已獲認可」呢?「政府中文主任協會」又會否考慮, 於徵詢會員意見後,正式以協會的名義參加呢?唉!各位何以教我呢? Name: Wallace TAM Email: Homepage: Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: LCSD Comments:

如此草率? Name: nobody Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments:

Jimmy at #167, you are right, PARTIALLY right.

Existing EC members do have an advantage. People know of their existence, AND their willingness to serve fellow CLOs.

As for canvassing, well, let's talk about the past years first. No one ever approached me before AGM to ask me NOT TO VOTE FOR MR/MS X. All the "canvassing" was: Come, cast your vote for WHOEVER YOU THINK FIT TO BE AN EC MEMBER.

This year, the atmosphere was different - a change for the BETTER. Colleagues with aspirations like Peter LO told their pals their desire to join the EC, so their electioneers spread the message and we got a bigger choice of candidates. Not bad for us voters!

By telling people your desire to serve on the committee, one can already get even with the existing EC members and compete with them on an equal footing. Not bad for the candidates too!

On second thought, why not tell the EC members directly if we want to join the EC? Though they haven't got the politiking device, innumerable lobbyists, colossal financial resources or other illicit means Bill Klinton has, with the EC's so-called "connection net" which even someone as pure as an angel must also have heard of, we can already be on the list of "willing candidates" (as opposed to those whose candidateship comes against their will with their GCLOA membership).

Besides, we can serve our colleagues even if we aren't on the committee. Simply give any one of the EC members a call and say, "Hey, need any helpers?" Or tell them directly what more they can do to make you and others happy.

And, Jimmy, to whom do you think the existing EC members' "patriotism" is devoted? All ranks of fellow Chinese Language Officers? Or the "villains who are trying to eradicate CLOs"? You seem to suggest the latter. What makes you so sure? Name: nobody Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: I simply saw red when I saw the web's comment on Mr Peter LO's score.

The Respectable One who wrote it, could you kindly tell me why you put Mr LO's score in comparison with LAST YEAR'S top one?

You know all too well (don't tell me you don't, 'cause you HAVE read the 1999 AGM minutes) that last year's top score of 55 votes came from the turnout of about 70, representing a 78% support, while Mr LO's 53 votes represents a 37% support as this year's turnout surged to 140. Mr LO no doubt enjoys considerable support, but by saying that he falls only 2 votes behind LAST YEAR's top scorer, you are suggesting(intentionally or not) to those not-in-the-know that last year's top scorer is only marginally better off than Mr LO in terms of support.

I am upset. Not that I am in favour of last year's top scorer, but that I feel deceived. I used to think that these website founders might be a bit radical, but they meant well, and their creation of this forum deserves a big hug and applause from each and every CLO. Now that I see how you manipulate figures to serve your purpose, I have doubts about your trustworthiness. "Two votes" might be a trifle to fuss over, but I must say: I HAVE DOUBTS.

Heartfelt congratulations, Mr Peter LO. I do believe that your joining the EC will bring in new ideas and it may do good to the grade as well as the EC.

But bear in mind, NEW things are not necessarily BENEFICIAL or PRACTICABLE. Whether they are in the case of the new GCLOA EC, the key now, as supposed by some, rests on YOU.

Your mission is more than bringing in NEW+GOOD inspirations. Try and listen. Listen not only to your own reasoning, or to one or two of your comrades, but to ALL YOUR COLLEAGUES in and outside the grade.

Keep your mind open, especially to what the other NEW+OLD EC members may say. They are all fellow CLOs, aren't they? Most of them are not "old cakes who are already safe on dry land and don't care a dime what happens to the rest". In fact I trust NONE OF THEM fits that description. Why would they join the EC if they were that selfish? They must have good reason if they opt for a certain party line, which AFFECTS THEM as sqaurely as it does you. Right?

To each of the candidates, electioneers and voters of the Y2K GCLOA EC election: Thank you all, for bringing us a TRUE competitive election this year, for telling our pals who indeed we want to represent us. May such happen every year, not just in years of crises.

Good luck to the new EC. Name: Jimmy Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: Just back from Roma, I am so happy to know that this website is still alive and kicking.

To Wallace Tam: We need a name to join other civil service unions' actions. What can we do? Ask our patriotic GCLOA to take part in other unions' actions on our behalf? No way, or this website is not needed. People are asking us whether CLOs are going to take part in the signature campaign and the mass rally. We want to take part and we need a name to represent us. And that's all. Please take some time to read over Peter's reply to you.

Referring to your last message, do you know what politicking means? Do you know what happened at OLA hours before the voting? Do you think Clinton would have won without his innumerable lobbyists, colossal financial resources and other illicit means that you, as pure as an angel, will never hear of ? Common, be realistic, Peter did not have a connection net to canvass for votes while the existing members of GCLOA did have. We have provided this website as an UNCENSORED forum for you to yell out whatever you feel. Do you think the “official website” of GCLOA as suggested by you will let you do the same? Name: Wallace TAM Email: Homepage: Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: LCSD Comments:



,先行道謝! Name: imclo Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: The Chinese characters disappeared!

I use Netscape as by browser and I have sent Chinese messages using the same and nothing happened. However, only one Chinese character of the name of the CLO with the 10th hightest no. of votes can be viewed this time. I would seek the Webmaster's enlightenment on this. Oh! I nearly forgot, the person is MOK Ming-tak (transliteration). Dear all, pl. accept my apology if I did not spell the name correctly as I do not have the staff list with me. Name: imclo Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: To: Writer of Record 163 (Mr. or Ms. WONG)

1. The 9 persons mentioned in message #162 got the highest no. of votes. They will be invited to join the ExCo of the GCOLA. Should they all accept the offers, the 9 of them will serve in the coming year. If any of them does not, the CLO who got the10th highest votes (who is ??德) will be approached, and so on. But I don't know who the 11th and 12th are since no announcement was made at the meeting.

2. I also got mad when I saw private messages. I would suggest that those who want to do so in the future can leave messages like "Pl. call me at my office/mobile" or leave messages to the e-mail box of the Webmaster, i.e. or the Webmaster's personal e-mail box (you may be able to find the address by referring to messages left in the name of Peter).

3. You are so kind to remind those I.E. users.

4. Paragraph 1 should have given you the answer.

To Peter,

It's no easy task to get a seat in the ExCo this year. Don't let the people who voted for you down! Name: WONG Email: Homepage: Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: 4 points to raise:1.Who were elected? All those listed in the message #162? 2. Why was there a private message in #157? This board is supposed to be open for all CLOs! 3. To the one who posted #161 and all others who want to say in Chinese here, please use NETSCAPE or OPERA (available for download in this site). 4. Congraulation to Mr LO who was elected yesterday (is it true?)! Name: CLO Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: 選舉結果 丘國彬 128票 魯曼華 117票 鄭建華 100票 田繼賢 99票 鄭偉康 96票 龍潔慈 92票 李敏輝 61票 林伏櫪 59票 盧穎聰 53票 如有錯漏,請更正 Name: nobody Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: webmaster,恭?szlig;你”高票”?iacute;?iuml;,?yacute;請?Yacute;:你說你得票53,?ntilde;去年票?yacute;(55)?Egrave;?Ouml;2票,為?oacute;你不說?uacute;去年?euml;票人?AElig;70多,即票?yacute;得票率為7成8,?Oacute;今年?euml;票人?AElig;超過140,即?Otilde;下得票率為3成7?這?Euml;發布誤?Eacute;?AElig;字,是一?Eacute;不慎,ÁÙ是......? Name: Webmaster Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: 由於手上沒有該信(忘了帶回家),站長暫時只回應印 象最深的兩項。

首先,田主席實在對站長太仁慈了!"臭罌出臭草"並 非衝著幹事會而來──其針對目標,實為處事被動、 欠缺危機感的絕大部分同事。協會為免站長死於亂棍 之下,不惜胡亂對號入座,確是勇氣可嘉!

為免同事翻查舊留言,引致網絡塞車,特把該段文字 抄錄如下:

……但從小弟日來努力游說滿口怨言的同事積極改變 命運所得的回應,看來把中文主任職系現時的問題全 歸咎於協會,也並非完全正確。 (突然想起黃宏發議員的名句:臭罌出臭草──要對號 入座的朋友請自便。)


  1. 逗號宜移到"看來"之後;及
  2. "臭罌出臭草"並非黃宏發的名句──黃宏發的角色 ,是把說這句話的梁耀忠逐離議事廳──好像黃議員 後來也因另一句話,獲得相同的下場。

x x x x x x x x

部分同事似乎已經調校好口徑,一名不願被透露所屬職系的同 事更以"夏鼎基的函件已經outdated"來不斷遊說同事 杯葛遊行。

真想知道這名同事的聘書會不會outdated?這種是非 不分(或埋沒良心)的工賊,想起也覺得嘔心。

言歸正傳。夏鼎基的函件,其實是以淺白的文字,向 全港公務員解釋《中英聯合聲明》附件一第四節關於 保障公務員權益的規定。換句話說,只要本港繼續實 行"一國兩制",《中英聯合聲明》仍然適用,而該信 的精神仍值得職管雙方尊重。

此外,該封函件的內容似遠較協會所理解的廣,起碼 除了保證公務員的職業可在回歸後繼續獲得保障外, 更列明公務人員受僱於特別行政區政府的各項服務條 件,不會低於原來的標準──為協會公開信執筆的同 事,看來真的要多多備課。

一如其他大小高低職系,中文主任同樣是公務員的一 分子,委實不應編造各種藉口,甚至顛倒是非黑白來 "獨善其身"。偏偏脣亡齒寒這句成語,語文專家們始終弄不明白──是時候增值增值了! Name: NG Hak-lok Email: Homepage: Hometitle: Our Portal Page Reference: From a Friend Location: Housing Department Comments: Can't get rid of the error message by refreshing!! Name: Webmaster Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: Winnie the Pooh君:

要供樓和養家的冇得好講,有些經巳四、五十歲, 而 且大有條件vr的,卻因貪心而不願放棄職位,只怕到 多賺一百幾十萬後巳無命 享呢,這些人若有什麼事相 信也無人可憐

要是同事單單因為貪心而不願放棄職位,那哪會"捱 死"?在同事因病去世的時候講出這樣的話,太過不 近人情吧? Name: HUI LIN FONG,ANN Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: please contact me gor further action. Name: ZZZ Email: Homepage: Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: To Webmaster

I've just read the letter from the GCLOA this morning. Some of the points raised in the letter were against this website and you. Would you like to say something here or, if you think fit, to respond to the Association direct? Name: 奕然 Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: 中å主ô的一份子 Comments: 本文與編號154的留言內容相同。


我們的協會明日將為新一屆的幹事會選舉九名新幹事,本人極想投 一眾有志之士神聖的一票,但珥Y無門路 ----- 不知道有那些會員 願意當候選人,不然豈非選票亂投?

尤其是一些根本無意參選的同事,就算他/她才德兼備, 當選後卻諸多推搪,既浪費投票人僅有的投票權(倘若早知道他/她 會拒絕的話,便可一早另選其他確實想肩負幹事之職的候選人), 也辜負了投票人的盛情。

請問站長或其他同事(按道理應由協會在事前通知我們才是嘛!) 可否整理一份願意參選的會員名單(最好將留言版上各才智之士 的筆名“解碼”),好讓大家按圖索驥。

此外,聞說現任的幹事中,有六位都不願意留任,那就更難選出 “現代摩西”了! Name: 奕然 Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: 中?aring;主?ocirc;的一份子 Comments: 一?Ograve;振Áu千?Ograve;À部H

?uacute;?eacute;,?Uacute;?Igrave;的?oacute;會將?iuml;Á|新一屆幹?AElig;會的九?igrave;新幹?AElig;, 本人極想?euml;神聖的一票,?yacute;卻不知道那?Ccedil;會?ucirc;Ä@意?iacute; 侯?iuml;人,不然豈非?iuml;票?Atilde;?euml;?

尤?auml;是?iuml;一?Ccedil;?Uacute;本無意?Ntilde;?iuml;的同?AElig;,就?acirc;他/她才德?Yacute;?AElig;, ?iacute;?iuml;?aacute;卻?Ntilde;多?Agrave;搪,既?ouml;費?euml;票人?Egrave;有的?euml;票Åv﹙?Otilde;若 早知他/她會?Uacute;絕的?Uuml;,便可?Icirc;早另?euml;?auml;他確?ecirc;有意 ?iacute;幹?AElig;的侯?iuml;人﹚,也辜負了?Uacute;?Igrave;的盛情。

請?Yacute;站?oslash;?Icirc;?auml;他同?AElig;﹙?Oacute;道理À野Ñ?oacute;會?AElig;前提?Ntilde;?ecirc;?AElig; 才是?Agrave;!﹚可否?atilde;理一份Ä@意?Ntilde;?iuml;的會?ucirc;名?aelig;, Åý大家?Ntilde;?Ograve;?

聞說現?ocirc;的幹?AElig;中,有六?igrave;已無意留?ocirc;,那就?oacute;Ãø?iuml;出 “現代摩?egrave;”了! Name: A SENIOR CLO I Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: AN OLD CAKE'S MONOLOGUE Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: To writer of No.149, I am an old cake in her forties. I am offended, really offended. From your message I can feel that you are very young, or you consider or believe that you are very young. Try to put youself in the old cakes' shoes. Although our contributions may be insignficant, we have given our best. Don't tell those in their forties or fifties to opt for the VR. Are you saying that we the old cakes are standing in your way? Do you think that you have a better chance for promotion after the old cakes retire? I can feel some sort of age discrimination in your message. Old cakes also have their place in the universe. We also need sense of achievements and job satisfaction. I have chosen CLO as my career not only for the handsome pay but also because I do love translaion. You may consider I am a square head. But I can assure you that I shall continue to give my best as long as I am a CLO. Name: Webmaster Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: CLO Dog, I think it will be a good idea to adopt the Consumer Council's approach: disclose your boss' name and restrain him/her from abusing you further. You won't get fired for doing so unless you finally lose you temper and give you boss a punch on his/her face. Name: ZZZ Email: Homepage: Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: To CLO DOG,

Yes, I agree with Winnie the Pooh's point of view.If there is no improvement in your office, please consider to talk to the GCLOA and/or the Grade Management of OLA. It is because it seemed to me that your boss would not help you in any way, but just treat you as a translation machine and pressed you work and work! Name: CLO dog Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: "Winnie the Pooh" (No.143), Thank you for your concern. I did fall ill in the past two weeks. To my surprise, my supervisor asked me whether I would come back after going to hospital for medication. She indeed suspected me for making up the story to avoid the busy work. I am angry and disappointed. No matter how hard you work, nobody will appreciate it. By the way, I have worked in a "one- man office" before. Working in such offices is quite hard, and I think you would agree with me. Name: 小熊û妮 Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: 剛從舊同事聚會中得知有此網頁,細心瀏覽覺得內容很充實,留言板更非常有 趣。希望大家踴躍留言報料,讓我們這些做one man post的比較「背」的同事得 知職系的最新情況和消息。

CLO Dog:很久沒有你的消息,真叫人擔心,幸好今天看到你的留言,不 然還以為你捱不住,入了醫院。不知現在你辦公室的情況有否好轉,請保重身 體!近日聽聞又有一名CLO"殉職" - 雖然該位CCLO並非在工作時間內暴斃 ,但從她壯年逝世來看,可能是以前捱壞了身體,或是工作上受到太多 壓力、給高層欺壓等也不出奇。記得近一、兩年也不時聽到有CLO剛退休(前 USD一名CCLO)或未退休(房署一名SCLO)便病死的消息,他們都只不過四、五 十歲,勞碌一生,未享過福便歸西,為何這行的人那麼早死?真的越想越驚…

奉勸大家多注意自己的身體,現在無事並不代表真的無事,有些疾病可能潛服多 年才病發,到時後悔便太遲。要供樓和養家的冇得好講,有些經巳四、五十歲, 而且大有條件vr的,卻因貪心而不願放棄職位,只怕到多賺一百幾十萬後巳無命 享呢,這些人若有什麼事相信也無人可憐。

Name: CLO Dog Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: I learned from a circular that HAD will cut 19 CLOs. Is it true? Actually CLOs of HAD are under serious threat as their job duty at present is writing minutes of meeting, Once EOs take back the job, they will have no justification for retaining 2-3 CLOs in each district. I know that CLOs of HAD are very worry about their future. Name: ZZZ Email: Homepage: Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: Yes, I also agree with CLO II's point of view (though I don't have the ability to be elected). So please attend the coming AGM.

To the administration: Please just treat this board as a friendly communication channel rather than something bad to the grade.

To Webmaster:Congratulations! Name: CLO II Email: Homepage: Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: Yes, I agree with Man that the persons whose name appeared in this board should consider to be elected so that they could do something for the grade. Name: Man Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: 不知是否這網站強勁,心水清的同事或察覺到,自多位同事就中文主任 協會的成績和能力發言後,該會竟打破了以往的慣例,把會員名單連同 去年周年大會的會議紀錄(包括獲選委員票數)公開給大家傳閱,並呼籲各 中文主任入會;自網站的小道消息透露過人力資源計劃刪減人手的數字 後,協會又"拿拿臨"發信公布有關數字,而且跟本站所透露的數字極為接近 。由此可見,這網站不單為大家提供一個渠道暢所欲言,更為協會及管 方帶來一點壓力(動力?),press他們多做些東西及增加透明度,試回憶 以往管方和協會那會這麼頻密地發信給大家?誠如Wallace 君所言,這 網站的確深受管方和協會人士注意,Wallace 君你請放心,即使專 員和PCLO不親自到這裡瀏覽,其下的一班嘍囉自會密切留意,然後 把最新消息報告。因此大家應把要求voice out,迫有關方面注意,這點 是非常重要的,請大家不要放棄機會。

另一點要說的是希望大家踴躍在周年大會投票,選出肯替我們說話的代 表。據我所知,其實很多人都想選一些新血當幹事,但無奈由於所服務的 全是小部門,在職系內識得人少,因此不曉得有誰可誰,再加上有些人 選了出來又推辭,結果做來做去都是那幾丁人。在此呼籲大家,若有意參 選的,請在這網頁表態,好讓大家心中有數,知道有誰人可選。還有一 些在這裡出現過的名字:Jimmy, Peter, Sam, Frederine, Wallace等諸君( 不知你們是否用真名),這些同事都發表了不少高見,若他朝你們獲選 為協會職委,請不要推辭。否則大家在這堭o個講字,到頭來得個桔,兼 被人以為是"濕水炮仗"。

Name: Wallace TAM Email: Homepage: Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: LCSD Comments:



姓名示人?不是怕「秋後算帳」吧...... Name: Webmaster Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: 譚兄言重了,“辦啥革命大業,甚至推翻特區政府” 這種滔天罪名,本網站如何擔當得起呀?

譚兄如一直有留意全港公務員保衛權益簽名運動的 公布和簽名表格,定會知道是次行動的目標,是要求 政府履行當年的布政司夏鼎基爵士對公務員作出的 承諾,反對政府一連串打擊公務員的措施。


在該簽名運動發起之初,本站幾位負責人曾進行研究, 認為有必要讓同屬瀕危的中文主任也走出來,對政府的 大小動作作出回應。

由於本站並非隸屬政府中文主任協會,本身亦非工會, 故大家認為需要以一個較合適的名義來參與是次有意義 的運動--初步決定須採用“會”這個字。不過,本站 雖有不少留言,但像譚兄般有勇氣以真姓名留言的朋友 卻寥寥可數,貿然以會自稱,恐怕遭人質疑代表性及 認受性。

在兩面為難下,我們決定另闢蹊徑,也就是加上“籌 委會”的尾巴--既能使用“會”字,也沒有“會” 的實質--當然也不存在代表性和認受性的問題。

把“籌委會”三字講得更明白點,便是有部分同事 認為有需要另組工會,因而組織起來徵詢其他備受現工會 忽視的同事的意見,以研究此舉是否爭取權益的最佳方 法。雖然徵詢過大家的意見後,“籌委會”有可能另行 籌組工會,但現階段絕非工會。

從譚兄你的多次留言,可見你也是個願意對現有問題 提出質疑,認同協會應當強硬一點跟人家討價還價的 有心人,何妨與其他不甘做冗員的同事一樣,走出來 為自己,為同事奮鬥,捍衛應得的權益? Name: Wallace TAM Email: Homepage: Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: LCSD Comments:

一些意見,一點感想 ......




腫臉兒充胖子,教人聞者心酸。 Name: Webmaster Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: 原定於七月八日舉行的大遊行,將順延至七月九日 (星期日)舉行,請大家密切留意本站的公佈。 Name: imclo Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: 挺身而出

同事留言中有不少批評協會的工作表現,我也在第一次留言中說過協會近年 無甚表現。不過,在大約三年前,管方曾表示直接招聘一級中文主任,當時 協會曾召開特別會員大會,號召同事團結一致,由協會代表職系力爭同事權 益,結果管方亦順應民情。在這事情上,我有以下意見:

當時受影響的同事主要是CLOII,因為升職機會被中途插隊的外人剝奪,不 過,出席特別會員大會的CLOII不見踴躍,反而以高級及一級同事較多,而 CCLO好像只得一個,雖然我並不全部認識與會的同事。該次招聘外間人士 風波,亦有同事自行組織上書管方表示意見。至於哪些職級同事有自行上書, 我當然不得而知,或許各級同事都很多吧(希望如此)。

我並非讚揚協會的功勞,只是想同事再次運用團結的力量。我們今時今日面 對的危機,遠比當時嚴峻,因為現時受到影響的是各級同事(當然只有一位同 事的職級相信不會被刪除),即使是CCLO,我覺得亦有可能被刪除(雖然剛接 到協會主席函件,開列各部門三年內擬刪除的中文主任職位並未包括總中文 主任),只是現時未有計劃吧!

在這特別呼籲CCLO和CLOII積極站起來。CCLO雖然不是職系中的最高階級, 但已是一人之下,數百人之上,如果能夠挺身而出,一定發揮重大作用,而且 現任CCLO中大多為傑出人員,距離退休還有頗長時間,請一同為大家爭取權 益;至於還會逗留在政府不太長時間的CCLO,應該無懼為職系盡點力吧!

二級的同事,如果不參加自願離職計劃,自己又沒有好出路的話,將會是各職 級中留在政府最長的人,如果大家任人魚肉,所受的影響也最深。倘若政府真 的不會強迫遣散,但職位卻遭政策局/部門刪除得所餘無幾,同事可能會被調往 其他職系,面對他人的排擠(無他,因為去搶他人的飯碗,亦可能會影響他人的 升職機會)。

我並無忘記高級和一級的同事,不過,我認為在上級和基層同事的推動下,置 身其中的高級和一級同事自當發揮串連功用,組成各級同事的聯合行動。

"沉默不是懦弱,忍耐不是麻木"、"忍無可忍的時候,我會挺身而出",這些是否 中文主任的寫照?甚麼是忍無可忍?敵人斬你左臂,你說我有右臂,還可以拿筷 子吃飯;敵人再斬你右臂,你說我可以練習用腳吃飯;敵人斬你雙腿,你說可以 由其他人餵食,還可以生存下去;敵人斬你頭顱,你說忍無可忍要反拒,一個四 肢俱廢的人,又能怎樣?還不是連頭也被人割去!

各級同事,好好把扼現時四肢尚全的時候,團結一致,互相扶持吧! Name: 奕然 Email: Homepage: Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: 中å主ô的一份子 Comments: 真高興見到這網站,我以為中文主任都是冷情的,想不到留言者都懷有熱烈的心腸。 姑勿論協會的功過,她總算發揮了正面的功能,也不要變成人身攻擊,反為貽笑大方; 但所有工會的力量盡皆來自會員,若要有實力興管方或政府周旋,請各級中文主任都入會, 有能者更歡迎毛遂自薦,在新一屆的幹事會為民請命! 目前我們的難關是很多部門都誤以為中文主任可有可無,變成開刀的對象;但我覺得我現在 的工作崗位對部門很重要,我每天都付出努力,不怕無得Act,不怕無Board開, 希望各位也一樣,為我們的形象幹下去,若苦能甘! Name: Win Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: To: ZZZ,

I think what webmaster referred to is ”?iuml;號入座” instead of ”?auml;Ä嬖?auml;?oacute;” . Besides, it was confirmed that promotion board for CLOI will be convened in July (Source: a SCLO of GM), however, the no. of acting CLOIs to be promoted will be less than 10. Name: ZZZ Email: Homepage: Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: To Webmaster,

Thank you for your effort in promoting our rights here. I hope that you can consider to be elected in the AGM.[Note: I think the saying quoted by you in your message was said by Hon. LEUNG Yiu-chung instead of WONG Wun-fat]

To falling star,

I think we have to wait till the number of colleagues who joined VR before any promotion board will be convened. Anyway, let's be patient and optjmistic. Name: A CLO II Email: Homepage: Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: Yes, I think the membership rate for CLO IIs may be low, but this is because the CLO IIs know little about the Association. I think the Association can do something to tackle this problem, such as conducting goodwill visits to CLO IIs, especially the newly recruited ones.

Is the Association doing its job well? I think it is hard to say, depending on what your point-of-view is. However, I do think some kind of reform is necessary. So if anyone of you is willing to spare some time to fight for our rights, join the Exco of GCLOA on the coming AGM. (To Ms LO who refused to be elected in the last session: Please consider the voice of those members who voted for you in this session of the Association). Name: Webmaster Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: 一天有這麼多留言,真少見!













王永平向教師低頭,算是個"concrete and visible"的工運成果吧?


"Why are you so interested in reading the constitution?"──兩塊錢買個蘋果也要檢查一下吧,何況付了三十塊錢會費?

看《老夫子》,你能學會何謂"耐人尋味";看協會的會議紀錄,你能學會"應與管方保持良好關係"。看得咬牙切齒之時,站長也不禁懷疑:難道會章有此規定?所以一直很想拿一份來研究研究。 Name: Sociologist Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: Terms like silent, indifferent and pro-management are used to describe some Executive Committee members of the GCLOA. May be the attitudes reflected by these terms are the 'norm' of the CLO grade. If so, GCLOA has nothing to be blamed. It just factually reflects the common characteristics of its members. When GCLOA does something 'radical' to protect the rights of the grade, people(may be many people)may accuse it of rocking the boat. Name: Falling star Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: It is said that the CLO I Promotion Board will be convened soon. Name: imclo Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: Analysis

I've gone through the member list of GCLOA and noticed the following:

1/1 PCLO

14/22 CCLO

56/113 SCLO

68/194 CLO I

62/212 CLO II

I have to declare that I only counted once and that officers acting in a higher rank are only classified under their susbstantive ranks. What do the above figures suggest to you?

As for me, I think that senior colleagues join the Association because they are happy after they get promoted. Therefore, higher the rank, higher the percentage! Or shall I predict that those who are not members now will join after they attain a required length of service? Name: Questioner No. 1 Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: To Webmaster, now that you have read the constitution of the GCLOA, what do you intend to do next? Why are you so interested in reading the constitution? Name: Questioner Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: I have a question. What should we CLOs do under the present circumstances? What are the purpose of leaving messages here? Can we do something concrete and visible? What should the GCLOA do in order to win our support? Has anyone told GCLOA in clear terms? Are the Webmaster and his/her supporters organizing another trade union to compete with GCLOA? Can anyone give me an ansewer please? Name: ß理ÂåÍ Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: 中文主任協會工作表現欠佳,原因有很多。現在對協會的不滿情緒,部分是非理性的。可能有一些同事把對職業 前途的種種憂慮,都投射到協會身上。事過境遷之後,大家對協會還不是跟以前一樣,漠不關心! Name: ß理ÂåÍ Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: 中文主任協會工作表現欠佳,原因有很多。現在對協會的不滿情緒,部分是非理性的。可能有一些同事把對職業 前途的種種憂慮,都投射到協會身上。事過境遷之後,大家對協會還不是跟以前一樣,漠不關心! Name: 中鬼 Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: 留言中對幹事會的老鬼提出不少責難,但別忘記他們是由選舉產生的。他們當選,表示得到相當數目同事的支持。 換言之,他們是有代表性的。非議他們,是否也應同樣非議投票選他們的人才公平? 再者,有同事獲得足夠票數成為幹事但卻堅拒為協會服務。結果,部分老鬼只好繼續擔任幹事。要責難老鬼, 不如先責難原本當選但推辭的同事。 Name: Emergency translator Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: On the setting up of an emergency translation team, one question must be asked. Should CLOs volunteer to join the team or team members be picked up by OLA by a normal posting exercise? For the first case, who are to do the vetting when no CCLO or SCLO volunteer to join the team? For the second case, can those picked up by OLA refuse the posting? Doing urgent tasks is not welcomed by most of us! Can you imagine the pressure when subject officers or departmental CLOs cannot be contacted for help and clarification after normal office hours? Name: Vote analyst Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: All CLO offices should have received a copy of the minutes of last yr's AGM. The votes of each ExCom Members are shown. Can those who are so interested in knowing the distribution of votes make an intelligent analysis? Name: ZZZ Email: Homepage: Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: Dear all,

To avoid any misunderstanding about the identity of writer (with another XXX), I, the real XXX, has decided to use the name ZZZ. The other XXX, please, don't use ZZZ as your name.

Now back to the point, I am also against the idea of central emergency team working at home. If such a team is established, everyone can be CLO. Why would the departments still allow CLOs to work in their offices? They can then simply delete all CLO posts in the departments and ask OLA (or the emergency teams, which is cheaper usually if they are not civil servants) to do all the translation work.

How to increase the value of CLO then? I think CLOs can learn how to type Chinese (and many colleagues can do so now), be competent in IT etc. Name: Email: Homepage: Hometitle: Reference: Location: Comments: Name: Webmaster Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: imclo君:

要是把非辦公時間繙譯服務看作對部門中文主任的支 援(而非直接向各部門提供服務),並拒絕為無中文 主任的部門提供服務,能否杜絕部門肆意刪除其中文 主任職位?

小弟所屬的繙譯組,也曾以電郵及電話作其“高科技 加班”。由於原文在深夜才定稿,組員們得以在家裡 ,在自己的床上舒舒服服地睡幾小時,然後精神奕奕 地以飛快速度完成工作,趕及次晨交貨。

當然,幾位組員都懂打字,是這種工作方式的大 前提--這倒要涉及中文主任自我增值的問題了! Name: imclo Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: To: The real XXX and XXX

While I was wondering why the real XXX had asked the Webmaster whether he was referring to him/her when the latter sent thanks to him/her in obtaining the constitution of GCLOA and yet another XXX said that he/she also wanted a copy, I saw the real XXX's new message. I received the notice of meeting and constitution of GCLOA, inter alia, from the Chairman of the Association. CLOs should receive one, at least one per office. I think the Webmaster could save the trouble. If you do not get one, ask the CLO next to you if he/she is a member of the Association, he/she is entitled to have one if the answer is affirmative. Name: imclo Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: 中文主任滅亡的原因

中文主任入選五大式微政府職系,原因頗多。法定語文專員職位低微, 未能在局長/署長級人員面前極力維護職系,不無關係。不過,我認為最 大的原因是,現時的高官自以為身為中國人,自當能夠自如運用中文, 殊不知他們當中具有良好中文水平的人根本極少(當然也有例外,如公務 員事務局局長林煥光就在《文訊》中寫出一篇好文章),本身都不懂何謂 好的中文。在他們眼中,任何中文都一樣,他們只在乎如何把心中的說 話以英文的邏輯但用中文表達,根本不明白兩種語文之間的分別,硬要 把不合語法的修訂強加於中文主任原先提交的版本。遇有文件的中文水 平為人所詬病,中文主任遭人指摘語文水平低劣的情況,要高官挺身而 出,承認病句出自他們的手筆,當然不可能。中文主任經常吃下不再生 存的貓,有人提出刪減我們的職位,高官當然更振振有辭。我們就是這 樣哽死了!

我們不能把一切責任盡推給他人,也要反躬自問是否表現不濟?是否在 5:30全組中文主任就準時下班?是否中文主任特別多為人父母者?我們 的約會又比其他職系的同事多?

有同事留言說經常逾時工作,甚至假期亦如是,同事在這情況下當然辛 苦。我認為同事應該與上司商談,以謀對策,或再向上反映。我們可不 能日以繼夜,日日如是,月月如是,長期工作。不過,我們亦得與同一 辦事處其他職系主任級人員看齊,倘若人家連續三年每天工作到晚上十 時,星期六不設長短期周,星期日與公眾假期皆與辦事處相對,我們若 只是最近數月才工作得透不氣來,相信甚難得到管理階層的同情。那怎 麼辦?可以向外求救,如OLA,不過OLA大多愛莫能助(但通知OLA是 必要的,因為可以備案,以防部門投訴)如果不能外判則唯有向部門解釋 困難,要求管理層作出取拾,暫緩處理某些較為次要的工作。

站長建議設立中央救火隊,在下班後接辦各部門的緊急翻譯要求。我認 為此舉絕不可行。對我來說,方便營商計劃針對中文主任的建議,只是 某人為了顯示獨具心思,利用扼殺我們職系而得獎的手段而已。如果你 是某辦事處的中文主任主管,你的下屬(包括中文主任和繕校員)要求你容 許他們辦公時間在家工作,然後透過電腦、傳真等工具把工作交回,你 會怎樣回應?你會答允他們,然後再向上司反映嗎?你的上司會否建議 你也在家工作,不過是先行辭職,然後才把工作外判給你呢?

上述言論或許過於誇張,不過,倘若同事認同下班後的工作可以由中央 處理,那麼,辦公時間內的工作也可以吧!我們不是一直在說,部門開 設中文主任職位的好處,是我們熟悉部門運作,效率更佳。如果中央救 火隊可行的話,部門大可把原駐於部門的中文主任職位刪除,把多出的 同事交還OLA,再說甚麼集中資源,那時只有OLA才有中文主任,外間 再沒有我們的職位,若真如此,實在不敢想像那有多少個中文主任職位。

我並不同意中文主任比其他職系較適合利用通信工具在家工作。我只會 說,倘若其他職系人員,如政務主任、行務主任可以不用在辦事處工作 的話,我們中文主任也可以,我絕不同意我們比其他較為disposable。

P.S.同事可以在大小網站開設電郵戶口,不設限制,亦不涉核實個人資 料。在此籲請同事開設戶口,留下地址,方便聯絡,不然的話,亦應時 常瀏覽,得知有否聯合行動,以作配合。 Name: Email: Homepage: Hometitle: Reference: Location: Comments: According to one of the Exco of the GCLOA, they have decided NOT to make any comment nor respond here as they don't want to make the matter more complicated. However, in their point of view, some of the comments made in this webpage were not correct and therefore not fair to the Exco members. Regarding the creation of the official website for GCLOA, it will be the work of the next session of Exco to be elected in the coming AGM. So please spend a evening to attend the AGM. Name: The real XXX Email: Homepage: Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: Dear all,

I have to make it clear that the XXX in #117 is NOT me. Anyway, I also agree that the constitution of GCLOA should be posted here for all readers to have a look. Name: XXX Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: Webmaster, It is learnt that you have got the constitution of GCLOA at last. I am quite interested in it and I’m sure that quite a number of CLOs would also like to have a look at it too. Hence, could you post it up on this site? Name: Webmaster Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: Little CLO,
Why was my message so wide? This is because I'm long-winded - I've just done the line wrap and the message should be much readable now. Name: Little CLO Email: Homepage: Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: Sorry to all the readers, due to technical fault, I have put up two identical messages here, #113 and 114. You may just ignore either one of them.

To Webmaster, why was your message so wide that it cannot be displayed properly in the screen? Name: Little CLO Email: Homepage: Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: Dear all,

If you want to contact GCLOA direct, you may try e-mail to

To GCLOA, please consider to put up your view to the comments which are unfavourable to the association here BEFORE the establishment of an official website for the association. Name: Little CLO Email: Homepage: Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: Dear all,

If you want to contact GCLOA direct, you may try e-mail to

To GCLOA, please consider to put up your view to the comments which are unfavourable to the association here BEFORE the establishment of an official website for the association. Name: Webmaster Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: "They cannot, therefore, afford to stay in the office just for such 'occasional' demand for translation service."
This is exactly why I proposed a central emergency translation team. Instead of detaining tens of departmental CLOs in their office for hours everyday, the proposed team, consisting of just a few CLOs, can serve ALL departments at a time and free ALL other CLOs who have various commitments. Moreover, with the help of hi-tech means of communication, such as e-mail, fax etc, members of the proposed team may perform their standby duties at home. Name: XXX Email: Homepage: Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: To Sam,

I also agree that (as I mentioned earlier) the GCLOA need a reform as early as possible. Therefore I think this AGM would be a great chance for those who are ABLE AND WILLING to be committed to serve the CLOs for their rights and benefits. However, I don't think I am a eligible person (though I am a member of the association) as I am just a small potato with lots of committments.

Note:To Webmaster, you expressed your gratitude to one who helped you to get the constitution of the GCLOA, are you referring to me? Name: CLO II Email: Homepage: Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: Responding to Webmaster,

I think your idea is good, but not great. My boss also proposed to further divide our translation team so that some of us would be off at 6pm because he mentioned that some of the directorate members of the department complained that there is no urgent translation service after 5:30. I think this idea is good because it can increase the 'value' of CLOs, but I don't think this idea is great from the point of view of the CLOs because many of them have various committments such as family, study etc. They cannot, therefore, afford to stay in the office just for such 'occasional' demand for translation service. If this idea is put into practice, who is going to volunteer to stay, if the directorate asked you to report duty at 11am and be off at 7:30pm (for example)? Name: Sam Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: 大家近日的留言都談到協會如何的不濟、無能,這點是事實,是不容否認的 ,協會職員多年來的所謂「中流砥柱」,都是那數隻小貓,近年有些新血出 現,但做了一、兩屆都感到意興闌珊,從傳閱的會議紀錄,大家不難發現,有抱 負、有勇氣的少壯派(雖然論實際年齡有一、兩個可能巳屬uncle輩)每提出一些意 見,都會被佔大多數的老鬼推翻或「禳v住,結果除舉辦了一些參加人數寥寥可數 的羽毛球比賽、米埔遠足等活動外便一事無成。如Jimmy兄所言,加入協會一 是跟現任會員對抗,一是compromise,做到大感無癮便走人。究竟可否改變這現象呢﹖

一年一度的AGM快來了,去年協會一反常態,沒有公布各委員的當選 票數,是由於某些委員以極低票數當選,因而怕太難看;還是因為某些新進的少壯派 票數遠遠拋離其他老鬼而令他們冇面﹖不論是哪個原因,都顯示出某些做了多年也無 甚建樹的老鬼巳漸漸失去支持,亦正是協會換血的好時機。我在此呼籲各位入了會 的同事積極投票,也積極提名身邊一些敢言的有識之士(從這網頁的留言者來看應有不 少,至少肯定比某些不出聲、沒意見或保皇派的現任委員有貢獻)出來參選,藉此改變協會的 面貌。各位曾在這媯o表過高見的人士,如獲提名,請不要推辭;做過協會幹事而感到意興 闌珊的,請不要灰心,等候更多志同道合的同事加入。

在此要聲明的是,我並非協會人員,也不是呼籲大家出席AGM,我只是希望大家能把在 建制外的呼聲搬到建制以內。Webmaster君,我也會跟你一樣,出席AGM,但我神聖的 一票絕不會投給那些多年來無甚貢獻的「中流砥柱」。 Name: Webmaster Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: 有些部門的繙譯組主管人員有一個很奇怪的想法,就是把培訓課程等同於一些康樂活動──只是讓下屬在空閒時調劑身心,而不是為了什麼實際得益或職業發展。因此,"公務繁忙"往往成為了禁止下屬參與課程的絕佳藉口。







在資源增值的大前提下,各部門不少員工都會做或坐(忽地發現"做"和"坐"的國語音都是ㄗㄨㄛˋ)到晚上七、八點,害得我們不少同事都要在辦公室候命。有時候,全組人員等候了好幾小時,只等到一、兩頁文件,甚至隻字也沒有。此舉不論從資源、士氣等方面來看,都不是很理想的安排。這時候,我們大可利用總部"資源充足"的優勢,把其中一個繙譯組編為"急症組",利用彈性上班時間及流動辦公室科技(註一) ,在非辦公時間替多個部門的同事執行候命工作。


註一:流動辦公室科技──電腦、電子郵件、傳真機等,均可協助同事在辦公室範圍外執行公務。有同事指出,以法定語文事務署目前的資源,似難為同事添置電腦,故無法應用有關科技。不過,鑑於這些科技能為同事每天省下幾十元車費和花在交通上的幾小時青春,相信願意自己掏出幾千塊錢買電腦的絕非只有站長一人。 Name: CLO Dog Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: At present working has become the whole of my life. My supervisor is unwilling to let me attend training courses as she wants to keep me inside the office and work. However, she always mentions about "EPP". How could we enhance our productivity without appropriate trainings? Also, OLA requires CLOs to possess skills other than those of language so that we may survive longer. What courses does it offer to us? Name: Webmaster Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: 打個岔。

本港新聞界的自我審查現象看來有變本加厲的 趨勢--昨天下班時,電台廣播明明播出俞宗怡 (?)答覆某議員的質詢時,以“若3500名參加者 盡皆冗員”來作譬喻,但今天三大報章的報導都 沒有了這句。

不應剝奪公眾的知情權啊! Name: Frederine Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: To Jimmy Reference: From a Friend Location: Comments: Our website wags on at a faster pace than a rose will bloom and fade. The time when I read the messages, they have become old news already.

Though Jimmy is now on way to somewhere out there, I still want to say to him that we do like to have some new blood like him to run the Association.

I've missed the chance to join this yr's AGM, but next time I can help if Jimmy would stand for any election.

I agree with a previous message-sender that if we want to do something, we better do it within the establishment and not just do without it.

Agree? Name: Webmaster Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: Sam兄:

p.s.不想披露電郵地址的話,在電郵程式裡的“電郵 地址”和“回信地址”兩欄亂填些東西便可。

"I dare not put my e-mail address nor my real name here for fear that I may be fired!"-舒口氣都要炒魷?恐怕現時政府尚未有這樣橫蠻無理的機制吧! Name: XXX Email: Homepage: Hometitle: Reference: From a Friend Location: Comments: This time I would like to respond to a number of messages posted here in a single text, instead of responding to individuals.

First, I don't believe the Government would be so generous to give us 62 months of salary. Anyway, let's wait for more details after this Friday's COL meeting.

Second, the terms of the GCLOA, I think, can be obtained from the committee members of the association direct.

Moreover, though I also think that the GCLOA is, to a certain extent, useless, I think it is undesirable to replace the committee altogether. Instead, I think it needs some new members to join the committee to furnish with new ideas, such as how to negotiate with COL and the administration to fight for our rights (this is in fact the aim of this board, right?). If the committee is replaced totally, I think the new committee members, being all layman to this kind of business, may not run the GCLOA well enough to protect our members, then the membership rate would drop more instead!

Last, I don't think there are 20 CLOs who posted messages here because I myself have posted a number of messages here, using several names. I dare not put my e-mail address nor my real name here for fear that I may be fired!

I must go back to work now, see all of you soon. Remember to air your views here! Name: Sam Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: 大家?ntilde;?eacute;的留言都?Iacute;?igrave;?oacute;會如?oacute;的不ÀÙ、無?agrave;,這ÂI是?AElig;?ecirc;,是不可否認的,?oacute;會Â冪û多年?Oacute;的?Ograve;謂「中流砥柱」,都是那?AElig;隻小?szlig;,?ntilde;年有?Ccedil;新?aring;出現,?yacute;做了一、?acirc;屆都感?igrave;意興Áñ?Agrave;,從?Ccedil;閱的會Ä閉ö?yacute;,大家不Ãø發現,有?ecirc;負、有勇?eth;的?Ouml;壯派每提出一?Ccedil;意見,都會被?ucirc;大多?AElig;的?Ntilde;鬼?Agrave;Â蔗Î「?Aring;」?iacute;,結果除Á|?igrave;了一?Ccedil;?Ntilde;加人?AElig;?eacute;?eacute;可?AElig;的羽?ograve;球?ntilde;ÁÉ、?Igrave;埔遠足等活?Ecirc;外便一?AElig;無成。如Jimmy兄?Ograve;言,加入?oacute;會一是?ograve;現?ocirc;會?ucirc;?iuml;?Uuml;,一是compromise,做?igrave;大感無Å}便走人。究竟可否?iuml;ÅÜ這現象呢﹖



Name: Webmaster Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: 一個有趣問題

相信板上不少同事都(曾)是協會會員,請問有誰手上有協會會章,可否email來參考? Name: CLO Dog Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: CLO cat, 62 months of salary! Does it apply to every CLO? Name: 革命不是請È吃飯 Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: 既然大家不滿意協會的工作表現,何不當仁不讓,出席周年會員大會,拉拉票,與一班志同道合的同事組成新的幹事會 ? Name: I knew it Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: I was told that the GCLOA had recently sent a letter to COL asking management a number of questions about the manpower plans and the future of our grade. Name: Who am I? Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: The Commissioner for Official Languages will hold a special meeting of the Departmental Consultative Committee this Friday to discuss the submission of manpower plans. More information may be released. Name: clo cat Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: Just heard last night from the news report that we can get as much as 62 months salary from the VR, does anybody know whether it's true? Are the terms for VR modified? Name: An exhausted CLO Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: CLO (No.7), any new developments for the "bad news"? Name: Webmaster Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: CLO Dog君:






一直我都搞不明白:質疑又怎麼樣,解釋就是了!可是,我們一班"語文專家"偏偏生怕出memo,死怕寫appraisal report──還是"專心工作"算了。





關於中文留言問題,看來暫時只可用Opera瀏覽器來解決。 :-(



儘管所見所聞的種種事例都告訴我:別指望太高,但小弟也會出席今年的AGM──悲觀點說,笑笑人家的醜態也可以呀! Name: Jimmy Email: Homepage: Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments:




給CLO DOG同事:我們要挖工作做,但適可而止,不要做死自己,沒有人可憐你的,你不是小淵。 Name: an exhausted CLO Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: I learn that my supervisor takes her work home nearly everyday for fear that HQs will cut a CLO post in the near future, based only on the number of words submitted. I am afraid all her effort will be in vain as HQs already has its own plan in the pipeline. I hope she could take care of herself as the price may be too high. Anyway,we have done our very best(and are already at the brink of collapse) and therefore should fear about nothing. By the way, any new developments concerning our grade? Name: CLO Dog Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: Thanks for the valuable advice. I think even my supervisor doesn't know that I have to work on Sundays because I bring my work home in order to meet the deadline. Contracting out some of the work is impossible for my section as the department tries to cut the number of CLOs. That is why my supervisor seizes as much work as possible. However, I don't think it will work. If the department is determined to do so, no one can secure our posts. Name: imclo Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: 每次到訪網站,都習慣看看瀏覽人數,只見數字 與日俱升,似乎不少同事都關注到職系前途,但事實是否很 多同事瀏覽本站,又或只是中流砥柱多次瀏覽所致?希望是 前者吧。據我觀察,留言者不出二十位。這現象正正反映我 們職系的實況-看的人多,提意見的人少。若要大家團結一 致,採取行動,究竟又有多少人挺身而出呢?

日前與某同事談到本網站,得到的初步回應是不會理會,然 而交談下去,同事對職系前途卻表示悲觀,希望有人能夠為 中文主任找到合適工種,拓展工作領域。不過,同事表示只 會繼續工作,不會參與任何行動,只是靜待屠宰,唉!這就 是典型的中文主任吧!

留言板有言論批評協會未能為職系爭取合理權益,誠然,協 會近年談不上為同事爭取得甚麼,不過,前數年職系發展不 俗,不少同事在短短幾年間便升職,當然京中人快些,外間 同事慢一些,但整體來說,可算是職系的黃金時期,有多少 人又如Jimmy兄般高瞻遠矚,早料到職系的窮途末路。在一 片歌舞升平、人人升職的現象中,同事安於現狀,所關心者 只是何時到自己升職,根本沒有危機感,又哪有甚麼要求? 及至最近一兩年,殺局敲起喪鐘,同事驚覺本身安危,那時 才要求OLA和協會力保飯碗,又有誰能夠抗拒這個無道中央 政府的橫蠻手段?試想歷史久遠的民意架構,加上很多各級 議員的反對,雖然表現有目共睹的(下刪一字),也逃不過滅 亡之路,一個代表性不足一半的協會,再加上一個D3的專 員,我們又能要求甚麼?又怎能只怪責協會呢?我同意某同 事的留言,如你不滿協會的表現,不若挺身而出成為幹事, 求人不如求己,為職系謀福祉,

我並不同意坐以待斃。同事如有合理訴求,除了應該敢於提 出外,更要敢於爭取,呼籲同事團結一致,我相信站主設立 此網站的目的亦不外如是。

走筆至此,因有別事,下回再續,願同事共勉之。 Name: XXX Email: Homepage: Hometitle: Reference: From a Friend Location: Comments: To CLO DOG,

I think it is impossible and undesirable if you continue to work like this. This will set a bad example to the management in other departments and other CLOs will also suffer.

Try to fight for contracting out the documents or a longer deadline (though sometimes it is impossible, I understand). Otherwise, you may, as you predicted, collapse one day before the collapse of the CLO grade!

Perhaps you may try to make more friends with CLOs here in order to ease your pressure. Name: CLO II Email: Homepage: Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: To C.W.LAU,

Glad to see your message properly displayed in Chinese here. In fact, I also encountered this problem, therefore I must type in English when I wanted to voice my view.

Want to operate a similar webpage for Calligraphists? I think you can e-mail to Webmaster (just like the way you did when you posted your message in Chinese through him/her) to ask for more details. Name: Ö蛋佬 Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: To CLO Dog:


Just kidding. In fact, I don't think it's appropriate to work on Sundays week after week - unless you wanna give others an impression that CLOs are so inefficient and have to work on Sundays to clear all the backlog. While its a good idea to seize more work to satisfy the management with astronomical figure, CLO I/Cs are advised to take some measures (e.g. computerization), to alleviate the pressure by streamlining their work. Name: CLO I - Ö蛋佬 Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: 請各位同事在6月4日(星期日)晚上8時到維園參加“六四”十一週年燭光悼念集會。 Name: CLO Dog Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: My supervisor told me that we must seize as much work as possible in order to prove that CLOs are still useful to the department. I have to work overtime everyday including Sundays. I have developed pain at my neck and my back. I am now working under great pressure and I am afraid I will collapse one day. Any advice given to me? Name: C.W. Lau (reposted by Webmaster) Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: 回應留言板其中一名二級中文主任:

本人為C.W.LAU, 中文留言名稱為不躓.因本人使用IE瀏覽軟件,故在留言板上的留言產生中文亂碼,因此讓你有所誤會.事實上,本人以私人訊息留言 劃竷D(錄事第76),是對其以空餘時間設立這個中文主任保權益基地網頁頁致敬.訊息內容全屬個人對網主表示敬意之詞,相 H並不適合在留言板上公開.至於本人的公開訊息,正是錄事77,內容表達有關中文主任職系及繕校員職系唇齒相依的訊息,以及 就留言板上有關”與同事混熟”爭論的個人意見.但因為中文亂碼問題,以致讓你有所誤會.請見諒.

若論及”與同事混熟”一點,我贊同網主的意見,只是選詞上稍為更改一點更好.例如我們以”具政治智慧”來形容與同事混熟 滷〞p,是否更為貼切?要知道,按個別情況,以簡單的工具達到符合實際情況,有利於個人及團體的發展,這才是具政治智慧的做法. 此外,與同事混熟並非代表需要付出,亦非一定要為五斗米而折腰.在多年與中文主任共事的經驗中,我深切體會到,中文主任縱有 才華,但能夠讓高層管理人員知曉者,往往不多.其中的原因,除因為中文主任較少與高層上級交往外,他們的工作能力,只讓與 L們有直接工作接觸機會的中層管理人員得悉.若然,這些與中文主任在競爭政府資源的中層管理人員,在面臨職系取決的環境時,他 怉鄑_坦言直說呢?

我認為,與同事混熟,我們應以正面的角度來看.何謂正面的角度,所指的是以中文主任那種對翻譯的專長,對正統中 慦滌黤菕]有別於時下的報章文學),以及對事物的獨特分析(我發現中文主任在評論事時期間,往往獨具論據,可是只屬小圈 l的討論,其他人無從得悉),在其他同事面前積極地表現出來,以取得他們的認同,並認為與中文主任經常交往,不但對他們的中文修養 有所幫助,更能對他們的工作有所幫助,以達到與同事混熟的真正目的,就是讓其他同事,包括高層管理人員知道,中文主任的工作專 齱A對部門是有實際的幫助.當然的是,為了達到上述目的,中文主任亦必須自我努力,除進修外,還要對社會息息相關的事物多 加留意,才可以讓人留下深刻印象.

我認為與同事混熟只是中文主任的第一步,更為重要的,就是要與社會各階層混熟.最近出席公務員培訓處的簡化字研習班,得悉 磥漪陘F推行簡化字,成立了國家級機構(對不起,正確名稱忘記了),以行政手段強迫施行簡化字.回顧現今的香港社會,錯別字, 巫擐r,甚至乎創造字比比皆是,不單存在於報章文學上,甚至乎部分以正統編寫方式的書籍,亦出現這些”字”,因而讓我們的 U一代,以錯為正,並堅持說這是香港常用字.若然站在中文前線的中文主任(或應該說香港政府及法定語文事務署)再不重視的話 A他朝一日,香港常用字將較正統的中文字更多.有人或許會說,中文主任對此沒有權力,亦沒有時間.但中國推行簡化字,歷時 Q數載,豈能朝夕便成.

過往,曾有立法會議員質詢中文翻譯之差,將責任諉過於中文主任.但是,我們行內人清楚知曉,縱然譯文出於中文主任之 漶A但必經主管人員多次修飾,甚至乎強違中文主任的意見,以個人理念行之,結果使譯文不倫不類.可是,又有誰人可以代中文主 籇磥ㄔ迭D法定語文事務署基於職位低微,當然不會站出來.中文主任協會亦限於權責,亦不能代抱不平,當事人亦只得啞子吃黃蓮 .久而久之,中文主任的專業地位又怎能不被人看低.

最後,我想指出,繕校員與中文主任唇齒相依.曾有繕校員同事表示,在工作上得不到中文主任的支持,使我感到十分難過 D若中文主任以不認同的眼光看繕校員,便等同其他職系的同事以不信任的眼光看中文主任一樣,對當事人是不公平的.

若然可以的話,我希望能夠設立一個繕校員網上論壇,與中文主任保權益基地同進退.但因對設立網頁知識不多,或許需要一年, 兩年,甚至乎三年,只要政府不遣散我們,總有完成的一天.

二零零零年六月一日 Name: Webmaster Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: C.W.Lau君:

由於幾篇中文留言都顯示成亂碼,故請你把有關檔案電郵到本站郵箱, 以便代貼,謝謝! Name: C. W. LAU Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: From a Friend Location: Comments: 回À陳d言板上的?auml;中一名二?Aring;中?aring;主?ocirc;:

得悉你在留言板上?iacute;?Uuml;, ?Uacute;以私人訊息?egrave;式留言?Atilde;不?Uuml;好. ?AElig;?ecirc;上, 在記?yacute;78正是?Uacute;的公開留言, 在記?yacute;77的私人留言只是?iuml;?ocirc;主?iacute;?Uuml;敬意的言?uuml;, ?Ucirc;信?Atilde;不適合作為公開留言之?Icirc;.

?AElig;?ecirc;上, ?Ucirc;從得悉中?aring;主?ocirc;設有這?Oacute;?ocirc;址?aacute;, ?Uacute;?ccedil;?AElig;?aelig;Â筑Õ?ucirc;Â儘t?ccedil;?agrave;設?szlig;?Ucirc;Ãþ?ocirc;頁. Áö然?Uacute;?iuml;?ocirc;頁設計只À敢o?Ouml;?ograve;, ?yacute;?Uacute;?Ucirc;信, 一年?Eacute;間未成, 便做?acirc;年. ?acirc;年仍未得,便Ä~Äò做下去,Á`有一?Ntilde;Â筑Õ?ucirc;?ocirc;上論?Acirc;?ocirc;頁?agrave;與大家見面.(除非?Uacute;?Igrave;的Â儘t被政府遣散)

?Igrave;?aacute;,?Uacute;不知?oacute;故,留言板上的留言被Âà為電腦?aring;字, 若?ocirc;主?Icirc;?auml;他同?AElig;知悉?igrave;因,請電郵給?Uacute;.


二零零零年五?euml;三十一?eacute;?szlig; Name: XXX Email: Homepage: Hometitle: Reference: From a Friend Location: Comments: Yes, I think the GCLOA is not working well in protecting our future. However, I still think that our CLOs can survive when there is still a need for bilingual versions of Government documents.

I must go back to work now, see you again later. Name: CLO II Email: Homepage: Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: Perhaps I was in anger when I typed my message. I regret for any inconvenience so caused.

To c.w.LAU, why did you keep your message private in a place where messages are welcomed and supposed to be open for all? Please let us share your view by reposting your message WITHOUT keeping it private. Name: Jimmy Email: Homepage: Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: To sender of Message 77

Please send your message to Webmaster or to me for reposting.

Remember to use Netscape or Opera for posting Chinese messages. Name: another CLOII Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: 我很贊成Peter君所言,EOI所說應不是風涼話,依我看,他說這些話的原因可能是:第一,他是基於對CLO的同情和友情而"報料" (如他所說,他是由CLO同事那堭o知這網站的,可能平時他跟CLO的關係也不錯);第二,他被老細指派用中、英文出文件,要做埋CLO鶗驉A深感不忿,因此而 "報寸"。但不論是哪個原因,他所報的料 --- EO 部署做埋我]鶗驉A然後cut CLO位 --- 亦絕不出奇。CLOII君所言似乎有點不客氣,好像叫人家不要理我們職系的事,這樣只會discourage 人家報料,蝕底的始終是我們。 Name: 不Å?> <input type= Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Location: Comments: 各?igrave;中?aring;主?ocirc;:









二零零零年五?euml;三十?eacute;?szlig; Name: C. W. LAU Email: CWL1999@CTIMAIL3.COM Homepage: http://CWL1999.RENREN.COM Hometitle: ?Oslash;?igrave; Reference: From a Friend Location: Â筑Õ?ucirc;劉?igrave;?Oslash; Comments: 中?aring;主?ocirc;保Åv益?ograve;地?ocirc;主: 你好.請恕?Uacute;?eth;?eth;,本人?Atilde;非中?aring;主?ocirc;,只是你?Igrave;的下ÄÝ,與你?Igrave;息息?Ucirc;Ãö的Â筑Õ?ucirc;吧了.?ntilde;?eacute;,從一名中?aring;主?ocirc;的朋?Iacute;?egrave;面得悉貴?ocirc;頁,?Atilde;?Ucirc;意ÁÜ請本人ÂsÄý這?Oacute;中?aring;主?ocirc;保Åv益?ograve;地. 本人在過往?ccedil;曾從?AElig;工會活?Ecirc;,深知會?ucirc;間的Áp絡十?Agrave;重要,?iuml;?oacute;?ocirc;主你不惜以?Oacute;人?Aring;餘?Eacute;間設?szlig;這?Oacute;?ocirc;站,極為ÃÙ?agrave;,?ccedil;為Â筑Õ?ucirc;?oacute;會?Auml;息. ?Uacute;?Ucirc;信,中?aring;主?ocirc;與Â筑Õ?ucirc;的前途是唇齒?Ucirc;?Igrave;,?Uacute;?AElig;?aelig;?agrave;夠從你的?ocirc;站內得悉有Ãö中?aring;主?ocirc;Â儘t的將?Oacute;,?Ntilde;此?Iuml;映出Â筑Õ?ucirc;Â儘t的將?Oacute;.Áö然大?Otilde;已成,非你?Uacute;一人之力可?iuml;ÅÜ.?yacute;是,?Uacute;?Ucirc;信?ocirc;主設?szlig;?ocirc;站的?Oslash;的,是?Egrave;集各人的力量.Áa然你?Uacute;?ecirc;ÄÝ上?Aring;下ÄÝ之別,?yacute;?ecirc;之將亡,?Ccedil;?Ograve;有責.Áa然本HÂ齒ì低微,才疏?Ccedil;淺,?yacute;?ccedil;?AElig;?aelig;有可?Ntilde;?Iuml;?Icirc;的地?egrave;,ÂÔ請?ocirc;主不要?acirc;Â筑Õ?ucirc;Â儘t?Uacute;之?ugrave;外. 此乃本人?Oacute;人之言,?Atilde;不?iacute;?Uuml;Â筑Õ?ucirc;Â儘t的意見,特此Án?uacute;.本人的?ocirc;頁乃家庭?Oacute;人?Ucirc;Ã砥A製作Â眾æ,Åý?ocirc;主見笑了. Â筑Õ?ucirc;劉?igrave;?Oslash; 二零零零年五?euml;三十?eacute;?szlig; Name: A Pawn Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: 醉??挑燈?劍

While we are here enthusiastically debating where the grade of CLO should go, some people must be watching with intentness and interest what this bunch of CLOs can do. Perhaps some are quite certain that it won*t hurt if dogs only bark, when they don*t ever bite. This webpage has been established for over a month, but let us ask ourselves what have we achieved so far. If things go on like this, CLOs will never escape the fate of being guillotined one by one.

Personally, I believe May 31 can be a deadline that a difference can be made. This will be the last date for our grade members to join the GCLOA, thus making himself or herself a qualified voter or candidate for the coming AGM. People on this webpage almost unanimously agree that the Association has failed to represent them in the past, and to a very large extent, I think they are right. But here comes the time they should get themselves organized and do something for themselves. A lot of bright and constructive ideas have been put forward here on this webpage, but it seems that there is no channel to put these ideas into practice.

If we are to fight for something, we can do it within the establishment - which is, in our case, through the GM or GCLOA. Or, we can do it outside the establishment - which is, in my opinion, rally the support of the media or the public, if we can but achieve it. For its limitation as an executive arm of a reactive government body, I think the GM may not be of much avail. But the organization of GCLOA does not belong to an individual, nor a particular group of people. If we feel so strongly that the course it is leading us is wrong, then why don*t we organized ourselves to vote for people whom we trust - people who can make a difference. To fight within the establishment has a distinct advantage - the Government is obliged to answer us, no matter how disagreeable we are to them. It is the most effective way to bring about changes.

Or we can do it outside the establishment - to organize marches, demonstrations or even go on to strike - which of course are hardly the ways the gentle grade of CLO ever go about things. As we CLOs are all kind and peace-loving people and extreme measures are not our cup of tea, I*ll stop talking about this nonsense here. For if there is any CLO who is courageous enough to organize a strike, he or she may be in the headline as the only CLO in the whole grade to do so.

The grade of CLO may be having a hard time, but it is not the end of the world. As long as the Government do not dare to proclaim that the civil service has acquired reasonable proficiency to master both Chinese and English, not to mention Putonghua, and as long as Hong Kong remains an international city, the grade is not yet finished.

If our friends think that only by rallying mass support can we advance our cause, still the bridgehead, still the bridgehead of GCLOA should be secured as an organization for any further actions, within or without the establishment.

Thus I call on our colleagues to act now. Join the GCLOA and organize ourselves to fight our benefits. So many of us have been so vocal on this webpage. Now come the time to put our words into action. IF GCLOA DID NOT BELONG TO US, IT CAN IF WE ACT. Name: Peter Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: CLO II君: EO I似非為說風涼話而來,你也無須大動肝火。事實上,EO I作為利益集團的一份子,大可冷眼旁觀,看著中文主任的工作一點一滴的被“陰乾”,看著中文主任努力“增值”卻難逃被裁厄運,看著中文主任互指不是但對職系“死因”毫無頭緒,看著……然而他並無這樣做,而是鼓其道德勇氣,背叛整個利益集團對其的信任,高舉真相來照出我們面前的崎嶇道路。誠然,他筆下描繪出來的真相是極為駭人聽聞的。但我相信,及早作出思想準備,總較死抱鴕鳥政策有意義得多,對吧? Name: CLO II Email: Homepage: Hometitle: Reference: From a Friend Location: Comments: Here I would like to respond to the views aired by some of you.

A number of you mentioned your views on our CLO association. Yes, I do agree that our association is too 'weak' in negotiation. They are just 'fans' of the grade management. Therefore, although the annual fee was reduced to $30, MOST of our CLOs don't want to join this association.I think it is the right time for the association to think about its own weakness so as to increase the membership rate. You know, when our grade be removed in the future, nobody would listen to the association as its membership rate is so low - therefore its representation power is NOT enough. However, membership should still be on a voluntary basis (I am against some association, like the one of PTR as I was told, to 'strongly advise' all its colleagues to join so as to maintain a high membership rate - which is entirely the wrong picture!)

Second, are CLOs really self-disclosed. I think this depends on both the climate in the department concerned and the CLO him/herself. If the staff of the department don't care about CLOs, then the CLOs concerned should try to open themselves and make friends with the departmental officers as far as possible (as one of the message writers suggested), so that the CLO post would not be removed on the first instance at least. To make friends with departmental officers is also beneficial to the CLO him/herself. You know, you never know when you need help. If you can make friends of the departmental officers, then one of the friends of your departmental officers might help you in the future (though not always true and there is NO guarantee). This is beneficial to us, right?

Third, I would like to say to the EO I of #68. though nobody said that this web is restricted to CLOs only, but I (and perhaps some CLO colleagues as well), your words, though some of them did reflect the reality, can do little good for us. There is no need for you EOs to be afraid of VR as your grade is not involved. So you can say 'Good Luck' to us. If one day EOs also become redudant (though this day would never come!), will you say the same?There is a Chinese saying,'One never know the pain if the needle does not hit his flesh'

One last comment for the time being, I am also strongly against the present system of counting the number of words as a justification of CLO posts. In the past, our superiors were allowed to raise the number of words of an assignment, say +10%, if the assignment is very urgent or technical. But now, because of the guideline issued by OLA (which did very little for our future), IT SEEMS THAT the monthly output of CLOs dropped. I think most of you know that the workload of CLOs in various departments increased a lot in recent years. The decrease in the number of words is just due to the restriction imposed by this guideline - and this create a wonderful excuse for the departments to cut the CLO posts! Although civil servants need to increase their value nowadays in order to protect their future, do OLA really have to be so tight in counting our workload? (not just translation, but also vetting, intrepretation? How about the answer-to-enquiry services and other miscellaneous duties not mentioned in our duty lists) Name: 中å主ô Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: 本人留言27的意見引起頗多爭論,本人有需要出來講句話。

本人在留言27說: "盡量跟部門內其他員工,尤其是高層員工混熟, 讓人覺得你是部門的一員,甚至是朋友,而不是過客。在刪除職位 時,相信人家也會給點面子吧。…."

有同事誤會我叫人討好上司,,以求保住職位。本人必須澄清, 我不是叫人討好上司。本人這樣說是針對中文主任閉門造車的問題。 如果我們跟其他同事混熟,起碼可以讓人知道中文主任的 "存在",讓 人知道你提供甚麼的服務,尤其是要讓管理層知到中文主任可以為部 門做些甚麼事,如果我們過份低調,根本沒有人覺察中文主任的重要 性,一想到 "刪位",就會想到中文主任。

如果跟同事混熟,讓人覺得你是朋友,還有其他好處,當部門有甚 麼人力資源計劃,要考慮 "刪位"時,我們可以早一點 "收到風",從 而作出適當的回應,而由於同事或管理層了解你的工作,在你向他們 解釋刪除中文主任職位或外判工作時的缺點時,他們更易理解,我們 的游說更易成功。如果我們跟其他同事關係疏離,跟部門人員只有工 作上的來往,缺乏溝通,那部門把工作交給中文主任做,跟交給翻譯 公司做有甚麼分別呢。我們比翻譯公司優勝的是我們佔了地利,我們 應多跟部門同事溝通,了解他們的真正需要,從而提供更貼身的服務。

搞好人際關係十分重要,能夠做到跟處長和其他同事凡事 "有商有 量",肯定對中文主任有利。

Jimmy兄說 "有同事寄望VR落實後自己有機會升職",不知是在那 一段留言看到?對於職系的前景,我認為政府會透過自然流失和VR 逐部縮減中文主任的人手,最後剩下OLA和幾個大部門的中文主任。 中文主任是個夕陽行業,這是個誰都知的事實。

有人或許以為我是管理層的代言人,我可不是,我只是跟大家一樣, 想在這媮螟蕨麉e途的看法,特別是希望,為那些因為供樓或有家庭 負擔,不可能選擇VR及到外面闖一闖的人,想想辦法。我並不是認為 中文主任前途光明,只是在目前的經濟環境下,叫有家庭負擔的中文 主任到外面找工作,他們的風險會很高,工作朝不保夕,隨時面臨財 政困難,相對來說,繼續做中文主任起碼讓他們多吃幾年安樂茶飯。 在目前的環境下,裁員之聲仍不絕於耳,要轉工,我會再等一下。

對於我提出的一些增值方法,有些同事有誤解,我想再作補充。 一個部門是否保留中文主任職位很視乎該部門的翻譯需求,如果根 本已沒有翻譯需求,那同事縱有甚麼增值服務也沒有用。但是如 果部門是考慮是否把工作外判,那中文主任提供教普通話、教授電 腦、隨時答覆查詢等增值服務,或能打消部門外判工作的決定。增 值服務誠然不能逆轉政府外判工作的大趨勢,但卻能夠延長職系的壽 命,這對許多無法離開職系的人來說非常重要。

最後,請那些對我冷嘲熱諷的同事,多多包涵。我只是個平凡的中 文主任,跟你們一樣關心同事的前途,我只是想將我所知的事實、我 認為有用的意見提出來,希望對同事有所幫助,如有不合意的說話,請 勿見怪,並請多多指教。 Name: Webmaster Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: 代郵:

生氣。 Name: Peter Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: 一位同事曾表示,部分辦事處的字數不夠理想(註),


Record 68 EO I的一篇真摯留言,恐怕已能為大家盡釋



Name: CLO Dog Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: I do hope that our trade union will do something for us. Besides organizing activities like picnics, it should also hold some meaningful activities like meeting with colleagues so that we can communicate with each other and possibily help each other to solve the problems. I do think that I am just an orphan without anyone to care for me. All the problems are to be solved by myself. The headquarters will find you only when urgent assignments have to be shared by the CLOs in the districts. Who care ? Name: an EO I Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Poor CLO Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: I was told by a CLO colleague about this website, I think it is good to have such a place to air your views, especially at this hard and frustrating moment.

Personally, I feel pity for you guys :-( I agree very much with Jimmy that the only effective way is to fight for your rights through the system and it is really too naïve if one thinks that he/she might still have the chance for promotion after the VR. Outsourcing is an irresistible trend of the Government; moreover, the AOs and EOs also have to protect their rice bowls by doing more work. In fact, my EO colleagues and I were told by our boss (a CEO) several months ago not to ask the CLOs to translate the documents but draft both the English and Chinese versions ourselves instead. The reason behind is not that the CLO have done bad jobs, but rather to have an excuse to cut CLO posts later this year (as my boss said). Hence, departments will only cut the posts after their CLOs left under the VR scheme and contract out the work, or just ask we EOs or other subject officers to do it. Hence, Jimmy, I’m afraid that your prediction is bloody right. In fact, I have started learning Chinese inputing method?Uuml;頡 and drafting Chinese documents in order to realize my boss’s plan.

It is right to work hard and fight for your rights (as many of you said), but if it is the general trend that you have to go, than you must go. Hence, think more for your own selves guys, not only for the grade. Good luck! Name: 不平人 Email: Homepage: Hometitle: Repost Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: Jimmy兄在第65段留言中說:

"近日不少留言皆強調要自我增值,與部門同事混熟,討好上司等, 藉以保留職位。這似乎是本末倒置,亦反映了部分中文主任眼光短淺,性情怪僻。"


留言板上應保持言論自由,希望日後不會再見到這類曲解他人意思,而且近乎人身攻擊的言論。 Name: 不平人 Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: Jimmy兄在?Auml;65段留言中說:

“?ntilde;?eacute;不?Ouml;留言?Ograve;強?Otilde;要?Ucirc;?Uacute;增?Egrave;,與部?ugrave;同?AElig;混?ocirc;,討好上司等, ÂÇ以保留Â齒ì。這?uuml;乎是本末?Euml;置,?ccedil;?Iuml;映了部?Agrave;中?aring;主?ocirc;眼?uacute;短淺,?Ecirc;情?Ccedil;僻。“


留言板上À釩O?ugrave;言論?Ucirc;?Ntilde;,?AElig;?aelig;?eacute;?aacute;不會再見?igrave;這Ãþ曲?Ntilde;他人意?auml;,?Oacute;且?ntilde;乎人身?eth;À貌漕末蛂C Name: Jimmy Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: 近日不少留言皆強調要自我增值,與部門同事混熟,討好上司等,藉以保留職位。這似乎是本末倒置,亦反映了部分中文主任眼光短淺,性情怪僻。


今時今日,我們要從制度去爭取保留職位,明碼實價。同是服務D8高官,為何某局要開設總中文主任,而某局則只開設一級中文主任﹖為何某些部門永遠不開設中文主任職位﹖開設中文主任職位的標準,似乎決定於高官個人的喜好。這種人治制度,竟在特區政府生根。你見過某部門總部的DS 是EO I嗎﹖又如設立機制,讓中文主任轉職到其他職系,像七十年代的文憑教師一樣,亦是從制度中爭取。



有留言說中文主任仍有前途,懷著赤子之心者,還寄望VR落實後自己有機會升職。當局已表明,參與VR的職系,五年內不會聘請新人。我估計政府欲以EO取代中文主任,一如ACO取代繕寫員一樣,以精簡架構。明年開始招聘EO II後,現時為區議會寫會議紀錄的同事,便可能成為冗員。

正如某君說,政府的大方向是省錢。近年取消了的職位,不少改以合約形式存在,中文主任的職位將來也不例外。為何政府選擇我們來省錢﹖因為我們溫馴,沒有籌碼。警務處削減文職人員計劃已經出爐,不知又要去除多少個中文主任。李天命思考方法一書,教人路見不平,拔刀相助,自己的權益,更要爭取。在李天命眼中,我們的協會,沉默的大多數同事,是最好的順民!在魯迅眼中,更是一流的殺頭材料。 Name: XXX Email: Homepage: Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: To writer of message 62,

Please note that you cannot have your typed Chinese displayed properly if you use IE. You must use Netscape instead (this is according to the owner of this website, please tell me if I was wrong).

To writer of message 53

You are so 'brave' to praise yourself like this here.

To all the other readers of this web

I'll drop something here again soon when I have time. Bye! Name: Webmaster Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: To A not too young clo:
Please send a copy of your message to our email box for reposting. Thanks! Name: a not too young clo Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: ?ntilde;?eacute;經常留言的中?主?,容許?Uacute;在這ùØ“尊?Ugrave;”你一Án“小專?ucirc;”,Å尼A“?ocirc;口?ocirc;面”的語?eth;,?Uacute;ÁÙ以為這?ocirc;頁Âà?uuml;了?THORN;?egrave;與中?aring;主?ocirc;主?THORN;人?ucirc;開會的Á蕈Ü呢。

小專?ucirc;如?AElig;家?Atilde;的列出CLO的ÀuÂI,?yacute;?Uacute;?Igrave;知道?Ucirc;己有這?Ccedil;ÀuÂI又?ccedil;?Euml;呢??iuml;大家前途有?oacute;À飢U呢?即?Iuml;部?ugrave;知道都?Uacute;?Igrave;的?ugrave;?Egrave;又?ccedil;?Euml;?Ãø道上ÀY?ecirc;?aelig;EPP要?aelig;人?Eacute;不cut CLOs?Oacute;cut EOs吧?

小專?ucirc;說不Ä@?ntilde;?oacute;中?aring;主?ocirc;的Â齒ì,?igrave;因是?Egrave;外面風ÀI高、要加班、人工又不夠高,這?Oslash;?Yacute;法是極為短?oslash;和無知的,又說“做中?aring;主?ocirc;起碼在三、五年內不會失業”,請?Yacute;三、五年?aacute;你又?ccedil;?ograve;?Euml;??Ucirc;信屆?Eacute;你沒有40,也有30歲吧(假設你是1997年?Igrave;?aacute;一?aring;入Â儐慢LO,入Â凝É?egrave;?egrave;23歲大?Ccedil;畢業,五年?aacute;你?Igrave;?Ouml;À釵?1歲),?Otilde;若真的失業,?Otilde;?Yacute;?igrave;?Eacute;你拿?Ucirc;那8年政府general translation的經Åç,在外面如?oacute;?ograve;人Äv爭??igrave;?Eacute;你?Ograve;“Àx蓄”的“現金”又夠?Icirc;多久?(可?agrave;足夠開一魚蛋?Icirc;?ucirc;ÂøÀÉ,不過?aelig;罰?Uacute;?Icirc;保Å@費的?uacute;就要另想?igrave;法了!)現?Eacute;在?szlig;政?Icirc;財政部?ugrave;工作的同?AElig;也許好?Ccedil;,因為外面的job market?iuml;legal and financial translators 也?acirc;是有?Ccedil;?Yacute;求。大家不Â_point out要?Ucirc;?Uacute;增?Egrave;,要努力?ograve;守崗?igrave;,可是卻不知道,ÁÙ有一ÂI是在?Agrave;會工作必須有的,就是要有遠見和mobility,見?Otilde;?acirc;不?iuml;便要走人,否則只有等遣散、坐以?Yacute;ÀÅ。小專?ucirc;ÁÙ說要認清?Eacute;?Otilde;,如果真的認清?Eacute;?Otilde;,便?oacute;À酗Î早?otilde;?Ntilde;。?iuml;?oacute;?Ouml;將退?eth;?Igrave;?Icirc;另一半也有高Á~厚Â儐漱丹~“?Egrave;?Oacute;”?Oacute;說,也許沒有?Ograve;謂,大不了回家ú丰J;?yacute;?iuml;?oacute;入Â噯Æ年、現?Eacute;仍未夠三十?Igrave;,即?Iuml;CLO的?Oslash;命不?icirc;三、五年,?Oacute;是有三十年,Ãø道你又?Igrave;?oacute;退?eth;?Eacute;也只是一?Oacute;二?Aring;中?aring;主?ocirc;?Uuml;?

本人十?Agrave;認同Frederine君和Mr Nobody?Ograve;說,小朋?Iacute;,不要?ouml;費你的?ccedil;?agrave;,?ntilde;?Ucirc;一班?Ntilde;鬼留在這夕陽?aelig;業?ouml;費?Eacute;間了,趁ÁÙ未給政府的工作Àô?Ograve;養Ãi了身,好好計劃一下?Ucirc;己的career吧,現在出外Âô,人工?Ouml;定?Ouml;了一大截,?yacute;?Uacute;?Igrave;是否?Yacute;的À酗ㄔu三年?Icirc;五年呢。

ÂÔ?Eacute;小專?ucirc;的說?Uuml;,奉ÄU各?igrave;小朋?Iacute;,“認清政府ÁY?icirc;開?auml;的大?Icirc;?Otilde;,面?iuml;CLO巳再沒前景的現?ecirc;”, 努力equip?Ucirc;己也À酗鳩V力Ý砟u,?AElig;?aelig;?igrave;VR?Agrave;出?Eacute;拿回?Eacute;Àv之餘,?ccedil;在另一?acirc;?igrave;發展?Ucirc;己的?AElig;業,Âô一番世?Eacute;。?Uacute;在這ùØ說的不是?Aring;?Iacute;,也非風涼?Uuml;,以?Uacute;?Ucirc;己為?Ograve;,?Ntilde;?acirc;年前的電腦盲開始,不Â_?Ccedil;?szlig;,現在巳À敢o寫web page,?Atilde;搞了一?Oacute;做trading的?ocirc;站,現?Eacute;作為?AElig;業每?euml;也有8-10K的收入,上?euml;?oacute;開始?Aacute;?Otilde;Ý砟u,Áö然只是rehearsal?Ecirc;?egrave;,?Otilde;探一下?Ucirc;己在job market的bargaining power,À頃x過出版?Agrave;的字?aring;編?egrave;,人工也有14K,即?Iuml;?Ntilde;加VR?aacute;每?euml;也可有22-24K收入,即?Eacute;?Oacute;說?ntilde;現在?Ouml;了?AElig;千元收入,?yacute;?oslash;遠?Yacute;以?aacute;?Uacute;可?iuml;?Uuml;在編?egrave;?aelig;業發展,?Icirc;Âà?Oacute;從?Oacute;(如果?ocirc;站?Iacute;意做得好的?Uuml;),你?Icirc;會說,工作?Ouml;定會?ntilde;做CLO辛苦,如果年?ouml;輕輕也這?Euml;好逸惡?Ograve;的?Uuml;,?Uacute;也無?Uuml;可說。


Name: aba Email: Homepage: Hometitle: Reference: From a Friend Location: Comments: Yes, I agree with CLO DOG that CLOs are working like dogs. We often have work overtime and meet unreasonable deadlines, yet our posts are being cut by those departments, the worst one being the one in which the head will be promoted in July!

I also agree with NOBODY that someone is self-praising in message 53. As far as I know, NONE of the CLO Is and IIs have typed such messages in this board.

Will more CLO posts be removed in the future? Who knows? I still believe that by adding values to ourselves and prove to be valuable to the departments concerned, CLOs might still survive in the coming 5 to 10 years, right?

Any comment? Please drop a few lines here. Name: Handsomest translator in town Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: To CLO Dog: Yes, you're right - and what follows is 狡?死走狗烹。But some CLOs are a bit cleverer - they're smart enough to, say, catch roaches and snakes too and wish that these will quench their masters' thrist for 36. Name: Peter Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: 1. 教育署的削減人手數目大幅減少,可喜可賀,唯其他部門的人手削減方案(據悉OLA接獲的方案共

2. 的確,削減人手是政策局的政策。短期而言大家也真的只可通過“增值”來保住職位。不過,

3. 自李專員上任後,OLA舉辦了中國園林講座、電腦班等並非以語文知識為主的訓練課程。
。可是,大家的增值只增到考核報告裡,部門一無所知,殊為可惜--學學別人大吹大擂一下嘛! Name: CLO Dog Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: At present CLOs are working like dogs. They think that seizing more works will enhance their status. However, they are paying high prices as their health and eyesight will deteriorate. It is indeed a foolish act as nobody will appriciate their hard works. Other people will explore this golden opportunities to get rid of their works and let those foolish CLOS to do for them. Name: Nobody Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: From a Friend Location: Comments: Those clever ones know that someone pretended to be a small potato in message 53 and blamed the others for spreading rumours. What about his self-praising tactic? Name: aa Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: try Name: 中å主ô Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: 很高興有同事跟我有相同的見解,認為只有證明自己的價值,才是保住職位的 唯一方法,亦感謝教育署中文主任的努力。

對於前途的憂慮,不同的同事有不同的反應,有同事要爭取更好的VR條件, 這無可厚非,但對於很多一級和二級中文主任來說,他們寧願放棄那50或100萬 元(如果是200萬元,則另作別論)的離職/退休金,而不願放棄中文主任的 工作。老實說,拿茬o幾十萬元,真不知該用來投資,還是用來買樓(還是向銀 行贖身賣樓,如果你那麼不幸的話)。雖然外面的機會很多,但風險也很高。如 果你要到翻譯公司工作,你可以有兩萬或三萬的月薪嗎?你可以每天七時下班嗎 (假設中文主任都要加班到七時)?每個月有幾天要通宵加班工作,你真的行嗎? 如果你不選擇做翻譯,薪金可能更低。在非政府的機構工作,還要擔心減薪裁員, 這樣的工作條件,你是否接受?

做中文主任可不同,起碼我們可以預見三、五年內不會失業,樂觀一點也該還有 十年吧,不過我很有信心中文主任的職系不會解散,但人手在十年後可能大約剩 下200人吧,如果每年有20人退休或離職,屆時應不會出現冗員問題。當然 ,我們亦應未雨綢繆,由現在起多做儲蓄,不幸五年後失業,也有現金應急。

對於大部分一級和二級中文主任來說,選擇只有一個───留下來──這對我們 最有利,中文主任的職系壽命越長,我們的得益最大(相對現在領取VR來說),也就是說, 我們的目標是如何延長職系壽命,如何保住中文主任職位。(保住職位的方法已 有不少人說過,不在這埵A說,請參閱本人第27及第50篇留言)。

對於中文主任職位被刪除,不少人把責任歸咎於管理層,這是可以理解的。不過, 讓我說句公道話,刪除職位、削減人手是政策局的政策,而部門要刪減甚麼職位, 是由部門作主的,如要刪減中文主任職位,部門是會知會OLA,但不需OLA批准, OLA可以做的,是告訴部門有中文主任的好處和分析該部門對翻譯的需求,以律政 司為例,為了讓Law Translators(他們是部門人員)有工作做(因為他們原來的法 律翻譯工作已經完成),律政司堅持把數個中文主任職位刪減,我們能反對嗎?最 後OLA爭取到分期刪減職位,減少對職系的沖激。


近年來,OLA舉辦了不少各類型的講座和訓練班、電腦班、人力資源管理工作坊等, 旨在提高中文主任各方面的能力,這些訓練雖然不能立刻阻止有關部門刪減職位,但 長遠來說,只有專業而又具多種技能的中文主任才能阻止中文主任職系進一步萎縮。

這個保權益的網頁廣受中文主任歡迎,相信管理層也不時瀏覽,同事如果希望管理 層公開甚麼資料,不如說出具體的要求,或交由站長代向OLA提出,或許會得到回應。 其實這個網頁也可作為一個職管雙方溝通的渠道。

同事們,繼續努力吧 Name: ^_^ Email: Homepage: Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: Can anyone predict WHEN CLOs will receive formal letters inviting them to join the Voluntary Retirement scheme? Will the period of application be something from 3 months to 6 months? Thanks in advance. Name: An informed ED CLO Email: Homepage: Hometitle: Reference: Xoom Location: Comments: I am glad to inform all'genuine'CLOs, especially the sceptical XXX, that thanks to the able leadership of our CCLO and his 'powerful pen', we have managed to convince the management to exclude CLOs from the latest mammoth manpower reduction plan (over 900 posts will be deleted between 2000-03). Instead, our AD has accepted our counter- proposal (justified on actual workload) of reducing 3 posts (1 CLOII, 1 Callig. and 1 ACO) by phases. I would also like to take this opportunity to remind all those anonymous heroes who are moaning, complaining or spreading rumours on this website that in this turbulent period, your 'continued existence' could only be justified on the following grounds :- 1. that you are really providing an essential and professional service (i.e. your language standard must surpass that of other officers, most of which have to rely on your translation or vetting service); 2. that the quality of your translations is really superior to that of outsourcing contractors; 3. that your 'actual' workload really justifies your existing establishment of CLOs/Calligs ; 4. that your directorate officers have to rely upon you or your section as 'language advisers or consultants'; and 5. that you can command the respect and win the support of your client sections. If you managed to fulfil all the above requirements like we did, then the "value of your continued existence" has been established ! But of course, you still have to enhance other new service areas like taking minutes in Chinese or providing courses on Chinese writing.Good luck! Name: XXX Email: Homepage: Hometitle: Reference: From a Friend Location: Comments: Dear all,

I have read the messages by a number of people in this website. These messages did give me a lot of insight. I appreciate their effort and hope that others will also not to remain silent but to voice our their view here.

However, I don't agree that the CLO grade has no future. I think if CLO can fight for more varieites in their job duties and prove to be useful to the departments in which they are posted, then we would still survive, right?

One more point: Would OLA please stand out to do something? Don't just sit back and do nothing! The CLOs were selected and employed by OLA, therefore I think OLA should do something now. If almost all CLOs posted to various departments were removed, can OLA accomodate all of us or mandatory lay-off would be the result? Name: Poor CLO Email: Homepage: Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: I was told by my friend that one of the CLO chose NOT to transfer to another office when his boss asked him whether he would like to leave as he overstayed in the office for more than 3 years. I think this CLO is so stupid to make such a decision. What do you think? Name: 中å主ô Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: 認清ÎÕ,面ï現ê Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: 認清形勢,面對現實


第一 同事以為政府推廣使用中文的目標,是要把所有公務員的中文水平大幅提高, 這是誤解,同事其實忽略了節省開支才是政府真正的目的,政府對公務員中文水平的要 求其實並不高,能夠溝通便可,最重要是要減少公務員對翻譯工作的依賴,從而達到凍 結中文主任增長及凍結政府開支的目的。遊說政府要重視中文水平,未必能保住中文主 任的職位。向各個政府部門証明我們物有所值,比外判翻譯公司的水平更高才是我們生 存之道。

第二 同事沒有認清楚,在金融風暴後,省錢是政府的首要目標,無論是 EPP、 人力資源計劃、外判工作計劃,以至加強人力管理和簡化紀律處分程序 等,都旨在節省開支,提高員工生產力(從而減省人手)。金融風暴後,公務員的 穩定相對沒有那麼重要,如何節省金錢才重要,同事或許沒有察覺,政府已經摒 棄了以往的管理手法,而改以營商的手法經營政府,事事講求成本效益,因此我 們必須證明我們物有所值,才能保住職位。

第三 有同事一廂情願的以為中英聯合聲明和基本法可以保住他們的工作, 雖然基本法訂明 "公務員可服務到退休",但是這條文其實是針對回歸時的信心 問題,讓同事安心工作,不用怕回歸後立刻失去工作。同事以為這是護身符, 未免不切實際,舉例說,一個被紀律處分勒令離職的人,難到可以用基本法護 身嗎?政府要解散一個沒有用的職系,我們是無法以基本法護身的,不過根據 以往的經驗,政府大都會以人手重新分配的方法解決沒有用的職系人員。要保 住職位,我們得證明自己的價值。

第四 整體來說,政府對中文主任的需求其實沒有大變:雖然拆局令中文 主任職系出現人手過剩的問題,而據說有若干部門在擬定人力資源計劃(Man Power Plan)時,亦有意刪減一些中文主任職位(資源增值計劃與人力資源計 劃是兩回事,據聞沒有中文主任職位在資源增值計劃中被刪除,在警務處、律 政司等部門刪減中文主任職位與資源增值計劃無關),不過,從有時限中文主 任職位計劃(Time Limited Project)的超額認購情況來看,並非所有部門都 "不識貨",只要並非由部門付錢,部門都樂於開設中文主任職位,這塈 們看到問題的關鍵----錢----部門人員並非因為以為自己的中文水平很高(當 然有人中文水平真的很好,也有人自以為很好),而是為了響應財政司司長 三年削減10 000個職位的呼籲,被迫刪除中文主任職位。我們不得不承認, 當部門財政短絀時,部份由中文主任提供的翻譯服務(部份次要文件),便變 成奢侈品,而不再是必需品(有些 "出街"的文件仍必需經中文主任批改)。即 使部門人員明知自己中文不行,也被迫 "頂硬上"。因此我們的矛頭應該指向 政策局,它們急於求成,沒有詳細考慮清楚便要求所有部門大幅削減人手, 導致服務質素下降。

不少朋友告訴我,他們的翻譯組的工作繁重,經常須加班工作,有時迫不 得已把工作外判(工作繁重、加班工作並非壞事,沒有工作才是最壞的事),也 聽聞過一些朋友可以準時下班,工作不太忙,這塈畯怓搢麆暋D的關鍵----人 手分配不均,有些翻譯組非常缺人,有些翻譯組則有Spare Capacity。拆局 對中文主任來說固然是沉重打擊,不過透過Time Limited Project重新分配 人手,對缺人的翻譯組來說,可以紓緩壓力,部門也可減少外判工作(即是中 文主任可搶回外判的工作)。

對於有部門不顧實際需要,為了省錢而刪減中文職位,我們必須反對。但對 於人手有Spare Capacity的翻譯組,我同意有重組的必要。重組過剩人手, 不僅是針對中文主任來說,行政主任、政務主任也該如此。公務員改革是正 確的方向,但切忌操之過急。

第五 有些同事以為,引起傳媒注意公務員中文水平低落的情況,會有助 提高中文主任的地位。無疑,對傳媒來說,揭發公務員缺失的新聞求之不得, 但他們的重點卻未必如我們所料,放在督促政府改善公務員中文水平上,他們 可能會大字標題: "公務員高薪厚職,文章卻狗屁不通",或者他們還會為我們 算算帳,發覺我們都是高薪翻譯員(請同事自行為所屬的翻譯組算一算每個字的 翻譯成本(薪金加福利),再與外判翻譯的成本比較),到頭來吃虧的是我們。更壞 的情況是,傳媒找來的文章,正是我們中文主任經手的(吃死貓的不算),那我們 就更丟臉了。我也並非針對中文主任,我認為按市場價值來說,整個公務員隊伍 的薪酬都是偏高的(政府已改用營商的方式經營政府)。既然政府沒有像新加坡政府 一樣規定全民減薪兩成,我們應該感到慶幸,更應積極自我增值。

第六 我們的職系沒有即時危險,正如上文說過,各部門對翻譯的需求 仍然殷切。據說,中文主任的工作量過去幾年保持平穩,有些部門的工作量更有 所增加。其實,一天我們還要埋怨工作繁忙,要加班工作,我們的職系都不會有 危險。不過,誰也不能保證,我們可以服務到退休,但是我相信未來五年,職系 該沒有問題,當然,升職是有點遙遠。

第七 站長曾經回應說,教授普通話和多做傳譯工作只能收短期的效用,這 點我是同意的,但在這個 "搶工作"的年代,甚麼工作都可以加長我們職系的壽命 ,增加我們的生存空間,提高價值。至於要透過喚醒人對公務員中文水平的重視, 從而提高對中文主任的需求,似乎是一廂情願的想法。

第八 "搶工作"的年代並非說笑:相信大家都知道律政司有幾個中文主任職位 被刪除,據說是因為要把工作交給Law Translators做、公務員培訓處前幾年也率 先推出 "公務員公文寫作手冊",OLA後來才出版,這些手冊本來就應由我們出版 ---大家應該清楚,"搶工作"做並非開玩笑。

第九 隨荇犮N轉變,各個職系的工作性質必然有所改變,例如以往繕校員是 不用懂中文電腦的,現在誰都要懂;以往打字員不打中文字,現在他們都打了(當 然他們有津貼);行政主任以往不需用電腦,現在他們還要做LAN Administrator。 這都顯示,隨荇犮N轉變,工作性質轉變也是必然的。有些工作,例如監誓、草擬 控罪,固然跟中文主任原來的職責毫無關係,不過,每個部門有不同的需要,滿足 所屬部門的需要是員工的責任,只要不是 "斟茶遞水"等無理的要求,同事請忍耐, 盡量接受吧。我們對部門越有用,部門就會越不會刪減我們的職位。

第十 推廣中文雖是自掘墳墓,但是這是我們的職責,跟翻譯一樣重要。醫生 替病人醫病,病人好了,就不會再來求診,但醫生不應拖延病情,因為醫好病人是 他的職責。我們不應為了推廣中文不利於我們而馬虎了事,因為推廣中文是我們的 工作,引用留言版一位同事的話:We are paid to do this.

鎖定目標 要保住我們的職位,靠傳媒是沒用的(他們甚至會樂意看見我們被裁,相信大家都知 到外面不少人 "眼紅"我們的待遇)。要保住我們的職位,我們得讓顧客(部門人員)覺 得我們的服務好,比外判翻譯好,我們要遊說的對象不是傳媒、不是市民,而是我 們所服務的部門。政府要把可以外判的工作都外判,這是政策---外判翻譯公司也就 是我們的競爭對手,我們要讓顧客知道我們的服務物有所值,這項工作就交由所有 中文主任去做。現在就讓我把保留中文主任的好處說出來:


1. 涉及機密的資料文件必須交由中文主任翻譯或審稿,這點我們比外判翻 譯公司優勝。

2. 簡短或緊急文件的翻譯或審核工作交由中文主任做快捷妥當,免除傳真 到翻譯公司的麻煩,也省卻專有名詞出錯的問題。

3. 中文主任的翻譯水準穩定,由於有良好的翻譯和核稿制度,即使有人手 調動,亦不會影響翻譯的水準。翻譯公司的翻譯員由於要兼顧不同顧客的翻譯要求, 專注程度不及所屬部門的中文主任,因此水準不一定及上中文主任。有時他們也可 能因為生意太好,草草完工。

4. 翻譯公司的工作重量,以賺錢為目的,中文主任的工作雖也重量,但從 不會犧牲質素。

5. 中文主任熟識所屬部門的運作(同事務必熟習部門的運作和活動),翻譯得 心應手,誤譯的機會較低。

6. 中文主任可隨時回答部門人員的查詢-----這是免費的。

7. 文件若要修訂多次,翻譯公司是要多收費的,中文主任卻是免費的。

8. 部份中文主任能提供其他增值服務:例如親自教授署長普通話、教授中 文輸入法、管理電腦、設計網頁等。

總之,中文主任物有所值,希望同事繼續增值,我們職系的未來,就在你們手中。 Name: Frederine Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: From a Friend Location: Comments: 拜讀多位同事大作, 心感無奈. 林君看差了! 九五年政府要培 養一支中英兼擅的公務員隊伍, 已經宣判了我們的死亡. 政府的 政策從來都是一致的,當日已經明言, 要主管對未符理想的中文 水平"體諒包容" (見政府語文政策套件), 大家齊心協力眾志成 城義無反顧地降低政府語文水平, 在在顯示他們薾始終!

專員在文訊中引述名作家之言, 謂語文不宜衣冠不整, 政府公文 尤然. 這個無疑是我們的理想, 但夏蟲怎能語冰. 專員也無能為 力, 他有權力嗎? 他說笑吧了!

正如Jimmy 君所言, 我們沒有籌碼.只好專注於爭取較好的退休 補償. 我不能相信有人所言, 部門會因為你懂普通話, 會因為 你懂電腦, 會因為你和首長級人員友好而不刪除你的職位! 實 在太天真了.

寄語小朋友們, 外面的世界更精彩. 選擇留下來作垂死掙扎的, 不妨盡盡人事 :

一 引起社會關注政府的中文水平, 要求有像樣的公文(田北俊 陸恭蕙要求推廣英文後, 有地政處什麼都要有中英文);

二 爭取專門翻譯工作, 這是其他人做不來的(律政司一役慘敗 給LTO , 但尚有很多其他工作是他們有限人手不能全做的:他 們曾悄悄的"招工", 替其他部門翻譯合約, 但只能做少量). 將 來我們的過剩人手被迫回歸中央後, 大可爭取這些工作;

三 其他的專門工作有醫學上的, 環保上的, 工程上的, 科技 上的, 化學上的, 天文上的..... 不要再糾纏於普通文件了, 那 是誰都幹得了的(如果是現在政府要求的水平的話).

相信如果可以開拓上述工作, 在可見的未來我們暫時不會湮滅.

大家以為如何? Name: 不平人 Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments:


隨著政府高調地表示要精簡人手, 推行"減肥計劃", 中文主任不幸成為"箭靶", 各部門欲刪減中文主任職位的傳聞言不絕於耳, 導致人心惶惶, 怨聲載道。 本人亦是現職中文主任, 希望藉此機會為中文主任說句公道話。

政府一直揚言要提高公務員的語文水平, 務求培育出一支"中英兼擅"的公務員 隊伍; 而在芸芸政府職系當中, 中文主任的確是雙語的語文專才, 這一點是不容 置疑的; 因此, 在提高公務員語文水平的工作上, 中文主任確是責無旁貸。 正因 如此, 法定語文事務署不斷積極為中文主任舉辦各類培訓課程, 讓中文主任可有 充分的準備, 在落實政府的語文政策方面扮演更重要的角色。 不料, 政府一聲 "減肥"令下, 中文主任竟然成為各部門"開刀"的對象。 假如當局一方面聲言要提升公務員的語文水平, 但另一方面卻漠視語文專才的存在價值, 對他們一直以來的努力和貢獻視而不見, 容許各部門任意刪減中文主任職位, 這種"說一套做一套"的作風, 豈不會令政府的威信蕩然無存?

也許, 中文主任的工作吃力不討好, 也是令他們成為被欺壓對象的原因。 舉例來說, 曾有報章圖文並茂地刊登政府文件的中英文本, 指出誤譯之處, 又將矛頭直指向負責翻譯的中文主任, 嚴重影響中文主任的名聲。 可惜在這種情況背後的種種因素, 卻沒有多少人能知曉, 而常成為眾矢之的的中文主任, 面對種種不公平的指責, 就只有獨嚐啞子吃黃蓮之苦。 事實上, 政府文件最後"出街"的譯本, 往往與由中文主任提供的原來譯文大有出入, , 因為這個最後的"出街"版, 是經原文撰寫人修改後的版本, 有時並未事先徵詢中文主任的意見, 甚至沒有將已修改的地方告知中文主任; 但對於有將修改後版本交回的原文撰寫人, 中文主任會先審閱修訂部分, 然後就可能有問題的地方與原文撰寫人再進行討論及提供意見。 不過, 最後"出街"版本是如何的最終決定權, 仍然在原文撰寫人的手中。 從上述的情況可見, 中文主任所扮演的角色的確較為被動, 但這是其工作性質使然, 並不是中文主任本身的錯, 因此這絕不應成為中文主任職系被輕視、忽視和剝削的理由; 而政府文件在文字上出現錯誤, 亦不應把責任全歸在中文主任身上, 要他們成為代罪羔羊。 因此, 當局及公眾人士都應對中文主任的服務質素和貢獻, 作出公平和客觀的評價。 其實, 上述的錯誤, 就正好反映出公務員整體語文水平的不足, 因此當局就更加不應忽視中文主任在這問題上所能發揮的積極作用, 所以當局實應對中文主任這班"語文先鋒"加倍重視, 讓他們更能夠發揮所長, 協助政府推行各項語文政策及提升公務員的語文水平, 並為各部門提供各種服務如翻譯、擬稿、審稿、編輯及語文諮詢等, 同時亦可協助其他行政或支援性的工作。 此外, 當局亦應採取更多鼓勵措施, 推動所有職系的政府人員均抱著互相尊重和互相學習的態度, 透過互相交流和討論, 共同努力提升公務員的語文水平, 從而為香港的公務員建立更佳的形象。

誠然, 中文主任應該一如以往, 繼續克盡本分、積極進取、精益求精、努力"自我增值", 維持高質素的服務水平; 但同樣, 我們亦希望我們的僱主是一個會肯定員工的努力、體恤員工的需要、有遠見和守信的僱主, 因此本人希望當局在推行"減肥計劃"的問題上, 不要一意孤行、倉卒行事, 反而應該充分考慮員工的意見, 透過共同商討, 定出雙方均可接受的方案。

Name: XXX Email: Homepage: Hometitle: Reference: From a Friend Location: Comments: Reply to Webmaster, Our office has just received the fax from OLA concerning the signing campaign. Actually you (and all other colleagues as well) can view the content of the appeal letter from this website (from 'the newest news' I think) (I cannot type in Chinese as I use IE 5). If you still need more details, please fell free to write here again soon. To all civil servants (NOT JUST CLOs): Please support the signing campaign and reply to the relevant party ASAP. Our office also asked the Calligs to support the camapaign. [PS I was told that the proposal to remove the CLO pool of ED has been shelved. Good luck to all others affected!] Name: Webmaster Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: To XXX: Can you please provide more details? Name: xxx Email: Homepage: Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: Hey! We've received the fax from OLA concerning the signing campaign mentioned by the host of this homepage. Please support the campaign and sign your name there. Name: Jimmy Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: Please support the signature campaign started by civil service unions. Name: Rabbit Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: White Terror Reference: Geocities Location: Comments: Should the Grade Management face us by means of an open discussion forum to inform us of the lastest situation and to exchange views? Of course, they are not so knowledgeable about concrete figures, government's next move etc.,but as a responsible management body, it should consider colleagues's feelings when white terror is in the air of every translation office. We have the rights to know what the grade management has done/is doing to "defend" our grade. They're paid for the job! Name: Mr. Nobody Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Early summer night's nightmare (Re-post) Reference: SimpleNet Location: Comments:

Early summer night's nightmare

As the Chinese saying goes, "鳥盡弓藏, 兔死狗烹" I wonder whether CLOs were aware that they were digging their own graves when they faithfully executed their duties to broaden the use of Chinese in the civil service in the 90s. Now comes the time that they will be dumped as a junk. I thank the provider of this web page for letting me air out one final faint cry of pain. So many people have done good for the grade of CLO and so many have rubbed salt into a wound. This web page's provider is clearly a person with goodwill.

I feel blessed enough to meet so many of the kindest and most benevolent people in my life - in the grade of CLO. They are genuine, sincere and lovable. I am equally blessed to come across some ugly faces- faces of the hypocritical, insensitive and selfish.

Who is to blame?

When the Government introduced the civil service reforms, many pointed their fingers at C.H.TUNG, which is not totally fair. TUNG is not a competent Chief Executive; in fact he is far from being competent. He was elected out of a compromise, rather than a preference. But it is not entirely his fault that the civil service has to be reformed. The British colonial government had acquiesced the continual expansion of the civil service before the handover. The British knew too well: " I will inflate the balloon. It's the one taking over who will suffer when it busts." Thus when the Asian financial crisis struck, the SAR government was faced with the unenviable and inevitable task of reforming the civil service. Had TUNG been wiser, he would still go ahead with the reform- but with a more gradual and rational approach.

What can we do?

Given the present situation, there is not much that CLOs can do. Grade Management has been talking about widening the scope of duties. It won't help much. Not at this stage. The issue should have been brought into discussion or attention ten or fifteen years ago, if the higher hierarchy had had foresight. Now that the storm has come, I advised the younger CLOs to abandon the ship before too much commitment has been made. With the coming of cyber age, the world out there is full of opportunities. Quitting a sunset grade may end up finding a horizon beckoning them. For colleagues with lesser mobility, they can still hang on to see what the morrow shall bring. If they are prepared to accept a no-promotion, no-less- benefit prospect and if the Government is not going to bring in compulsory retirement (which no one can guarantee), they will have nothing to fear from.

The Chinese Language Officers Association

The CLO Association's membership is barely half the size of the grade. It has been labelled 'inapt' and 'dispensable'. While some criticisms stand, some do not. Activities it organized have met with minimal response from its members. Perhaps it can be explained by the fact that many of the CLOs are parents laden with family obligations. But given that the majority of its members regarding 'reading' as their essential hobby, does it mean that the association should organize a trip to the library to popularize its activities? Even at this time when our grade is in serious jeopardy, not more than 30 CLOs turned up in a march organized by the 華員會this time last year. Before laying the blame on the Association, we have to ask ourselves what have we done to advance the cause of our grade.

The role of COL

A colleague asked, "Why not ask COL to do something?" In the first place, we have to understand his limitations. Outsourcing and downsizing are irreversible trends that COL cannot help but to comply with. In the second place, COL is a directorate A.O. whose fundamental duty is to implement government policies. This is his no.1 priority. A few years or months later, when he is transferred out, the grade of CLO will have nothing to do with him. Defending the rights of CLOs may be, at most, his no.4 or 5 priority. Expecting COL to be the grade's 'Messiah' is only a wishful thinking. (But to be fair, personal encounters with COL have found him candid and sincere as a person.)

Tomorrow is another day

In my discussion with colleagues and friends, we often come up with the question: "What can we do?" My personal response is: " Not much, my friend." There is another Chinese saying, "覆巢之下,豈有完卵". When the sun is setting behind the hills, I pay my affectionate homage to all the respectable colleagues who have continually made contribution to our grade. Feel no qualms, my friends. There is nothing to be ashamed of. After all, tomorrow is another day. Name: Mr. Nobody Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Early summer night's nightmare Reference: SimpleNet Location: Comments: Early summer night's nightmare As the Chinese saying goes, "鳥盡弓藏, 兔死狗烹" I wonder whether CLOs were aware that they were digging their own graves when they faithfully executed their duties to broaden the use of Chinese in the civil service in the 90s. Now comes the time that they will be dumped as a junk. I thank the provider of this web page for letting me air out one final faint cry of pain. So many people have done good for the grade of CLO and so many have rubbed salt into a wound. This web page's provider is clearly a person with goodwill. I feel blessed enough to meet so many of the kindest and most benevolent people in my life- in the grade of CLO. They are genuine, sincere and lovable. I am equally blessed to come across some ugly faces- faces of the hypocritical, insensitive and selfish. Who is to blame? When the Government introduced the civil service reforms, many point their fingers to C.H.TUNG, which is not totally fair. TUNG is not a competent Chief Executive; in fact he is far from being competent. He was elected out of a compromise, rather than a preference. But it is not entirely his fault that the civil service has to be reformed. The British colonial government had acquiesced the continual expansion of the civil service before the handover. The British knew too well: " I will inflate the balloon. It's the one taking over who will suffer when it busts." Thus when the Asian financial crisis struck, the SAR government was faced with the unenviable and inevitable task of reforming the civil service. Had TUNG been wiser, he would still go ahead with the reform- but with a more gradual and rational approach. What can we do? Given the present situation, there is not much that CLOs can do. Grade Management has been talking about widening the scope of duties. It won't help much. Not at this stage. The issue should have been brought into discussion or attention ten or fifteen years ago, if the higher hierarchy had had foresight. Now that the storm has come, I advised the younger CLOs to abandon the ship before too much commitment has been made. With the coming of cyber age, the world out there is full of opportunities. Quitting a sunset grade may end up finding a horizon beckoning them. For colleagues with lesser mobility, they can still hang on to see what the morrow shall bring. If they are prepared to accept a no-promotion, no-less- benefit prospect and if the Government is not going to bring in compulsory retirement (which no one can guarantee), they will have nothing to fear from. The Chinese Language Officers Association The CLO Association's membership is barely half the size of the grade. It has been labelled 'inapt' and 'dispensable'. While some criticisms stand, some do not. Activities it organized have met with minimal response from its members. Perhaps it can be explained by the fact that many of the CLOs are parents laden with family obligations. But given that the majority of its members regarding 'reading' as their essential hobby, does it mean that the association should organize a trip to the library to popularize its activities? Even at this time when our grade is in serious jeopardy, not more than 30 CLOs turned up in a march organized by the 華員會this time last year. Before laying the blame on the Association, we have to ask ourselves what have we done to advance the cause of our grade. The role of COL A colleague asked, "Why not ask COL to do something?" In the first place, we have to understand his limitations. Outsourcing and downsizing are irreversible trends that COL cannot help but to comply with. In the second place, COL is a directorate A.O. whose fundamental duty is to implement government policies. This is his no.1 priority. A few years or months later, when he is transferred out, the grade of CLO will have nothing to do with him. Defending the rights of CLOs may be, at most, his no.4 or 5 priority. Expecting COL to be the grade's 'Messiah' is only a wishful thinking. (But to be fair, personal encounters with COL have found him candid and sincere as a person.) Tomorrow is another day In my discussion with colleagues and friends, we often come up with the question: "What can we do?" My personal response is: " Not much, my friend." There is another Chinese saying, "覆巢之下,豈有完卵". When the sun is setting behind the hills, I pay my affectionate homage to all the respectable colleagues who have continually made contribution to our grade. Feel no qualms, my friends. There is nothing to be ashamed of. After all, tomorrow is another day. Name: å人 Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: 請問站長,除了叫同事團結一致外,可否建議一些更具體的



打算留下的同事該如何自處﹖ Name: bloody CLO Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: Too busy to write staff apprasial report?

HKSAR should be proud of their 冗 staff in Finance Committee:they are too busy at work that they have no time to write their staff reports, which are now five months late. Can you image the working hours of non-冗 staff of SAR government? Name: XXX Email: Homepage: Hometitle: Reference: From a Friend Location: Comments: Hi, it's me again! I think not only the CLOs but also other grades who are in danger of being REMOVED should pay attention and join together to FIGHT FOR OUR RIGHTS! Right? Name: XXX Email: Homepage: Hometitle: Reference: From a Friend Location: Comments: Yes, I agree that OLA is so useless that they can do nothing to help us - look, now even the Commissioner can do nothing when all the departments are cutting CLO posts. Another thing: I think the message by ED INSIDER is obviously an official and screened essay. It is only partly believable. Do you think a large department like ED can rely TOTALLY on contracting out all translation, regardless of its nature, length and urgency, if the Government is to conduct reform on education? Name: Observer Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: An authority without authority

The problem of our grade is that we have an Authority without authority. Why don't OLA scrutinise the outgoing letters of those departments that have no in-house CLO posts and point out the inadequacies before recommending them to create CLO posts. Why don't OLA warn Tung XX of the poor language standard of his AOs, EOs, engineers, etc. Because OLA has no authority!

The standard of an administration's official language is the costume it wears - must be presentable. OLA should be given more authority to tailor its boss's language costume.

Why don't GCLOA write to Tung XX that without the service provided by CLOs he will be wearing the King's costume(naked) or Tarzan's costume - ragged, unrefined and bare. Because it has no guts!

Time for Middle South Sea to take note of the language standard of SAR officials. Name: Siu Ming Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: From a Friend Location: HKSARG Comments: Is there any thing wrong with the compensation formula? The VR scheme is supposed to be applicable to all CLOs, including those with less than 10 years service, isn't it? Name: Poor CLO Email: Homepage: Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Hong Kong Comments: ED - Please don't lead the move to remove all CLOs. They are valuable! Not everything can be contracted out for translation! (Can you contract out a short letter/notice and say that this act is cost-effective?) Redundant? How about the AOs and EOs? Name: ed insider Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: ed Comments: 關於5月2日教育署削減中文主任職位的一則小道消息,實有澄清必要:- 教育署只是初步諮詢把部門翻譯工作外判的可行性而非已提交建議削減 該署的大部分中文主任的職位. 該署的翻譯分科亦已否決是項初步建議, 並另行提出在未來三年如何精簡編制的反建議. 同時,上述外判構思涉及 教署內的多個組別,並非單是針對中文主任職系, 而且一切均只在初步研 究階段, 目的是為了達成政府在未來三年欲削減10,000個職位的目標. 這個難題是各部門上下人員均要面對的問題, 只能希望共同找到一個盡量 減低震盪的解決方法. Name: ED INSIDER Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: Ãö?oacute;5?euml;2?eacute;教育署削?icirc;中?aring;主?ocirc;Â齒ì的一則小道?oslash;息,?ecirc;有?aacute;清必要: - 教育署只是?igrave;步?Ocirc;?szlig;?acirc;部?ugrave;Â?Auml;隊u作外判的可?aelig;?Ecirc;?Oacute;非已提?aelig;?Oslash;Ä釩d?icirc;大部?Agrave;中?aring;主?ocirc;Â齒ì.?Oacute;署的Â?Auml;隊À?igrave;?ccedil;已否決是項?igrave;步?Oslash;Ä??Atilde;另?aelig;提出在未?Oacute;三年如?oacute;?euml;Â祭s?icirc;的?Iuml;?Oslash;Ä?同?Eacute;,上述外判構?auml;涉?Icirc;教署內的多?Oacute;?Otilde;別,?Atilde;非?aelig;是針?iuml;中?aring;?ocirc;Â儘t,?Oacute;且一?Aacute;均只在?igrave;步?atilde;究階段,?Oslash;的是為了達成政府在未?Oacute;三年?yacute;削?icirc;10,000?Oacute;Â齒ì的?Oslash;標.這?Oacute;ÃøÃD是各部?ugrave;上下人?ucirc;均要面?iuml;的?Yacute;ÃD,只?agrave;?AElig;?aelig;共同?auml;?igrave;一?Oacute;?Eacute;量?icirc;低震Àú的?Ntilde;決?egrave;法. Name: jimmy Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: We have failed to obtain George's permission. Name: Testing3 (Pl. ignore this mesg. again) Email: Homepage: Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments:

?uacute; ?Otilde; 一 ?atilde; ! @ # $ % ︿ & * ( ) ?Aring; ?Iuml; |
?uacute; ?Otilde; 二 ‘ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 - = \
?uacute; ?Otilde; 三 { } : ” ?Otilde; ?Ouml; ? 〔 〕 ; ’ , . ?thorn;
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?uacute; ?Otilde; 七 ─ │ ◎ § ?ouml; → 。 , • ?
Name: Testing2 (Pl. ignore this mesg. again) Email: Homepage: Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments:

Name: Testing (Pl. ignore this mesg.) Email: Homepage: Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments:

Name: 中?主? Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: 中文主任的境況確實嚴峻,不少職位將被刪除,我們也很難預料最終會剩下多少個中文主任職位,前途未卜,有門路的同事宜及早離開、






不要計較做非中文主任的工作﹕據聞不少同事都願意做非中文主任的工作,例如土木工程署的中文主任要做審核ISOO 9001認証的工作、懲教署的中文主任要做監誓員、律政司的同事要協助草擬雙語控罪、民政事務處的同事要幫手籌辦區議會選舉的工作,我們正擔心人家吃掉中文主任的工作,現在人家把工作送上門還不快快收下。


多學電腦﹕例如Word Excel PowerPoint倉頡輸入法,可大大提高自己的生產力,也提高自己的生存價值,最好也學習一點電腦硬件的常識,在需要時幫助其他同事。日後若裁員,你的競爭力也大一點。

有人說,管理層沒盡過力保留職位,據我所知,他們都很努力,例如早陣子他們曾成功爭取,部門若要刪減職位,必先得到Head of Grade同意(即免死金牌)。不過後來 Donaldz曾 要省錢才取消了我們的免死金牌,要求部門刪減職位,冇計啦,大石壓死蟹。

可靠消息﹕HAD刪減的職位一定不是30,連18也不到,五月中便知。 努力工作 努力賺錢 Name: Wallace Email: Homepage: Hometitle: Reference: From a Friend Location: LCSD Comments:

Use Netscape Navigator to submit your comments

As observed, some of you might have used Internet Explorer to submit comments which contain Chinese (Big5) characters. However, it turns out that such characters are unable to be read at the very end. In this connection, all visitors are advised to use Netscape Navigator instead of IE to submit your comments so as to fix the above-mentioned error. Name: Jimmy Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: In response to George

George's letter is a fine piece of rhetoric, we should ask for his permission before we send it to the press. Would our colleagues who support this proposal email their support to me or Webmaster? We may use "signed by 20, 40. 60 or 100 CLOs (the more the better) as signature, subject to George's view.

Message just come in: Singtao Daily today reported that details of VR package will be available in coming October and in principle more senior staff will be given first priority to opt for VR. Name: 某人 Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: 在職系四面楚歌,同事人人自危的景況下,食物環 境衛生署某綽號“chimpanzee”的高級中文主任仍能 幫“理”不幫親,主動要求削減一級中文主任職位 ,實應受到政務主任表揚! Name: George LAM of HAD Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: HAD Comments: 論特區政府的語文政策與公務員體制改革






看這個政府有沒有識見和遠見了。 Name: Webmaster Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: Hi George,

Did you leave the message with I.E.? Please kindly resend it to so that I can post a legible version for you. Thanks. Name: George LAM Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: HAD Comments: 論特?Iuml;政府的語?aring;政策與公?Egrave;?ucirc;Åé?icirc;?iuml;革: 政府95年9?euml;發?iacute;《公?Egrave;?ucirc;?Iuml;?Icirc;中?aring;?AElig;宜工作小?Otilde;?oslash;告?Ntilde;》,?icirc;定「?Aacute;?ecirc;可?aelig;、積極進?uacute;的(語?aring;)策略,?Ntilde;?atilde;Åé公?Egrave;?ucirc;一致?otilde;?aelig;」(?igrave;?Ntilde;?Auml;7頁),為回Âk做好?Ccedil;?AElig;。《?oslash;告?Ntilde;》一再強?Otilde;,政府?iacute;前要?Egrave;,是「決?szlig;?ouml;養一?auml;中英?Yacute;?Otilde;的公?Egrave;?ucirc;隊?icirc;。」(?Auml;5頁)同年11?euml;24?eacute;,政府增撥?ecirc;源,成?szlig;法定語?aring;?AElig;?Egrave;署,?iuml;?Ntilde;公?Egrave;?ucirc;?AElig;?Egrave;?igrave;?THORN;ÁÒ,乙?Aring;政?Egrave;官出?ocirc;首?oslash;,?Atilde;增設一名首席中?aring;主?ocirc;,?AElig;?aelig;「發揮?acirc;?Eacute;作?Icirc;,致力?iuml;ÅÜ公?Egrave;?ucirc;的語?aring;Æ[?Agrave;和態度。」(?Auml;5頁)政府?Agrave;廣中?aring;,中英?Atilde;重的?Ucirc;意,在?iacute;?Eacute;?Oacute;?Yacute;,À陬L可置?Atilde;。 回Âk?aacute;不?igrave;?acirc;年,政府?Agrave;出「公?Egrave;?ucirc;Åé?icirc;?iuml;革」,本年3?euml;,發出《公?Egrave;?ucirc;?AElig;?Egrave;局通告?Auml;3/2000號》,下令?euml;Â略H?acirc;,?Atilde;御?ccedil;部?ugrave;尚?egrave;Ä_劍,削人可以大刀?ograve;,?yacute;?Ugrave;?aacute;奏。Á`之,三年內要削去一萬?Oacute;Â齒ì,雷厲風?aelig;。在四面?Ucirc;?Icirc;,左右為Ãø的情況下,部?ugrave;只求?Ucirc;保,首要?ocirc;?Egrave;,是?ucirc;?ugrave;?ograve;本服?Egrave;,?auml;他枝節,?Uacute;本無暇?Yacute;ÅU。語?aring;是「?oslash;侈品」,一定首?iacute;?auml;?Auml;A成為Äë牲的?iuml;象。在「?euml;Â略H?acirc;」、「?ecirc;源增?Egrave;」?acirc;?acirc;利劍之下,政府的語?aring;政策恐?Egrave;壯?Oacute;未酬,便命?agrave;劍下。 ?Uacute;?Igrave;要?Yacute;,政府今?eacute;是否已沒有?Ucirc;意?ecirc;?icirc;95年的語?aring;政策??Uacute;?Igrave;不知,?yacute;?Uuml;?Ouml;以前不是。那?ograve;,政府的語?aring;政策,又是否已大功告成??Uacute;?Yacute;此說?oacute;加無稽,香?auml;的語?aring;?ocirc;平,不論中英,?AElig;十年?Oacute;,一向為人?aacute;病。就以大專畢業?Iacute;的語?aring;?ocirc;平為?Ograve;,?aelig;?Yacute;ÁÖ論,已可見一斑。?auml;英政府?Ecirc;多年?Oacute;,重英輕中,那有短短?AElig;年,做?igrave;中英?Yacute;?Otilde;之理??Uacute;?Igrave;又要?Yacute;,政府?Oslash;前是否?Oacute;窮,沒有?ecirc;源聘請人?acirc;,為?auml;?aring;字?acirc;Ãö,為部?ugrave;起?oacute;Â?Auml;隊å?oacute;?又?Icirc;?Igrave;?aelig;?aelig;?Igrave;?agrave;?ouml;訓,?AElig;?aelig;公?Egrave;?ucirc;接?uuml;十多小?Eacute;?ouml;訓?aacute;,便?agrave;中英?Yacute;?Otilde;,Á蕉g?Ntilde;?Icirc;??Uacute;?Yacute;這?Ccedil;說法?ccedil;幾?ntilde;?icirc;?eth;。 假如政府仍有?Ucirc;意落?ecirc;95年的語?aring;政策,那?ograve;,今次?euml;Â略H?acirc;,?Uacute;?Yacute;要特別注意削?icirc;的Â齒ìÃþ別。政府高層一?egrave;面?AElig;?aelig;「?atilde;Åé公?Egrave;?ucirc;一致?otilde;?aelig;」?auml;語?aring;政策,?yacute;又沒有?ocirc;?oacute;鼓Ày措施,?Iuml;?Oacute;下?ntilde;Åv力,?ocirc;?Ntilde;部?ugrave;?thorn;Åv?Otilde;配?ecirc;源。在?ecirc;源?ograve;?Ograve;的?eacute;子,?Otilde;?Yacute;?thorn;?Oacute;部?ugrave;ÁÙ?agrave;如此風雅,去Ãö注語?aring;?Yacute;ÃD。在這情況下,語?aring;政策注定失?Ntilde;。 ?oacute;?oacute;特?Iuml;政府,Â冪û人?AElig;?ntilde;19萬,每年開?auml;達3000?otilde;,假如說連幾?Oacute;Â?Auml;雁û語?aring;工作?Igrave;也容不下,這會不會笑掉人家的大?uacute;?香?auml;?Ucirc;?Oslash;?ecirc;?Uacute;大都會,中英?Atilde;重,?thorn;?auml;8間大?Ccedil;,?ntilde;年都開設Â?Auml;隅t,每年畢業?Iacute;?ntilde;千,滿以為為特?Iuml;Àx才,滿足?Agrave;會?Yacute;求,現在Å本D?thorn;?auml;?Igrave;大僱主都說語?aring;人?acirc;?Oacute;多,這?acirc;不?acirc;?Ucirc;作多情,枉?Ucirc;?aelig;?auml;?一?Oacute;?Agrave;會的語?aring;面貌,政府起?aring;範作?Icirc;。?Uacute;?Igrave;的公?Egrave;?ucirc;,頂層的不說,一?euml;說?Uuml;都中英夾Âø,?aring;字則不中不英,政府有沒有責?ocirc;?iuml;進,向?Agrave;會負責,向É]?Aacute;?aelig;代,為新一代做?Oacute;榜?Euml;?香?auml;回Âk祖?ecirc;,結?ocirc;一?Ecirc;五十多年的?auml;英?Icirc;治。為Åé現主Åv,?ucirc;Å@?Agrave;語的尊ÄY,《?ograve;本法》?Auml;九?oslash;規定,政府機Ãö「除?Iuml;?Icirc;中?aring;外,ÁÙ可?Iuml;?Icirc;英?aring;。」?Ntilde;此?Oacute;?Yacute;,中?aring;即?Iuml;不是政府的主要語?aring;,地?igrave;也不?ntilde;英?aring;低。?Uacute;?Igrave;的政府,?Uacute;?Igrave;的公?Egrave;?ucirc;,?Icirc;了英?aring;?Ecirc;多年,回Âk不?igrave;三年,便要削?icirc;人?acirc;,?icirc;?Ouml;?Agrave;廣中?aring;的?ecirc;源,這?acirc;不?acirc;?oacute;率馬?ecirc;、淺見短?oslash;? 特?Iuml;政府的語?aring;政策?oacute;去?oacute;從,?Uacute;?Igrave;要?oslash;?Oslash;以?Yacute;,?Yacute;?Yacute;這?Oacute;政府有沒有ÃÑ見和遠見了。 Name: Observer Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: Believe it or not.

P hates C and doesn't want to see C back. C doesn't want to work directly under P either. P proposed to cut all C's subordinates to give him a hard time. Luckily, C managed to save one S. EOs are pleased to submit this proposal to Donald (Duck). (scenario at ED) Name: 一群入職不足十年的CLO字 Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: 現在中文主任的情況可說是四面楚歌,只有刪位,永冇開位。 消防署說開位已說了快半年,但仍然只聞樓梯響,不見有人來。 衛生署更慘,楊永強連自已的中文名都不懂寫,這樣應該可以開 位了吧?但且慢開心,因為本來已決定開的一組中文主任一直開 不成,聽聞被"上頭"壓下來了,問題是開位的建議在過了一段時 間就會自動失效,這招不能說不毒辣,加上教署一旦把我們的工 作外判,恐怕其他部門跟風,到時會怎樣,真的不敢想! Name: Jimmy Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: Just Surfed On In Location: Comments: In reply to Frederine.

I am afraid we have little chips in fighting for our rice bowls because we can be replaced easily - refer to OLA's Chinese policy. This is the reason why we discarded our original website name of fighting for our rice bowls. Instead, we now name our website as fighting for our rights because we may eventually be fighting for our VR or AOO benefits, in line with other grades being replaced. You may refer to the aims of our website for our future tactics. 1. we must get together before we made any statements. 2. we may write to the press telling the public that we are not 冗 staff. 3. we may write to the Government suggesting that redundant CLO IIs can be absorbed into EO grade, among others, as, for example, EO IIs taking minutes at DC meetings. 4. we support the Chinese Civil Servants Association in their negotiation with the government for more VR benefits. 5. we may take the matter to other authorities (Land Executives started talking with Beijing authorities back in 1995), to the court or to the street. Of course, for this we need not all but some hardcore members.

But first, a letter signed by a hundred CLOs will draw more attention from the recipient than the one signed by few fellows.

Jimmy Name: Frederine Email: Homepage: http:// Hometitle: Reference: From a Friend Location: Comments: Could anyone tell us what "chips" we have in hand to fight for rights? I couldn't get any suggestion from the website. When you can be replaced easily, you have no say at all! It's time for us to think of how we could survive, of course not to do what the OLA slogan goes - except that we can prove our expertise is not easy to be replaced of. Name: CLOII Email: Homepage: Hometitle: Reference: From a Friend Location: HKSAR Govt Comments: What the hell that the management of the govt. is doing? Is "all generals and no soldier" feasible? Well, "Soldiers were made for the purpose to be killed", said Napolean. Name: Wallace Email: Homepage: Hometitle: Reference: From a Friend Location: LCSD Comments: For ease of accessing this useful web site, I've applied for 2 redirect URLs namely and The former redirect URL is pending activation by Peter whilst the latter one has been put into function yet. Next time when you want to surf on this web site, simply type either of the above-metioned URL in the location bar of your web browser and press enter, you'll soon be redirected to it. End of guestbook: I wanna air my views